As I sit here excitedly waiting for the car broker to deliver my new car (how civilised!) I have been reminiscing again.
Dad under the bonnet of our first car |
My dad took delivery of our first family car, an Austin Lancer, when we moved from the inner city to the suburbs. It was a big deal to move from being carless to having our own wheels. Dad loved tinkering with that car and spent many hours with his head under the bonnet.
When I first had a family the only four wheels I had were those on my big English pram. I wore out a lot of shoe leather pushing my first two children up hill and down dale in that posh conveyance.
When we enrolled our first child at school, a few miles away, I needed something a bit faster and suitable for all weather. I opted for a zippy little car so, after a trip to all the
caryards on Parramatta Road we settled on a brand new bright green Mini,. I loved HUI 090 and had great fun driving around and honking the horn. The only modifcation we made to that car was to replace the little beep, beep horn with one that was more suited to a Mack truck.Years later, in a fit of nostalgia, we bought another Mini just like HUI that the kids used when they were on their drivers training wheels.
The imminent arrival of child number three heralded the need for a new car. A succession of sensible Chryslers, Holdens and Toyotas lived in my garage for the next twenty years or so. These cars served their purpose in providing reliable transport for the family but none of them had the personality of that little Mini.
Finally in 2002 I got a fun car, a little Peugeot 206cc. After a hard day at work I loved driving along with the roof down and the wind blowing through my hair. I enjoyed the chats I had with truckies and taxi drivers at the traffic lights who would say something like "Love your car, love" to this little white-haired lady behind the wheel of the convertible.
In recent years our family has experienced a growth spurt and my little car could not accommodate many grandchildren. So I put on my sensible hat and traded up to a small 7 seater, it's a nice European car that is family friendly.
A couple of weeks ago we were discussing Mr Geniaus' imminent retirement and options for cars as he will have to return his work vehicle. Recognising that we do not need two big cars he suggested that he take the people mover and we purchase a new little car for me. I was overly excited at this suggestion and agreed immediately.
So car shopping has been on my agenda. Although Mr Geniaus does not agree with my methods and criteria for car selection he sat back and observed my deliberations. He wanted me to buy a little new model Citroen, the D something or other, I looked on the internet and decided that it was ugly. I knocked out a few other contenders because they were too ugly, expensive, didn't have a USB connection or were too long for a small parking spot. Meanwhile Mr G visited dealerships, talked to salesman and pondered the specs in the printed brochures.
When I found another car that I liked I headed off to
Parramatta to take a look. On setting foot in the showroom I spied a cute little Fiat 500, it was love at first sight. Dismissing the car I had come to inspect I sat in the Fiat; it was tiny, easy to access, I could see out the window and it came with a GPS, USB, electric roof and parking sensors. I didn't need a test drive as the car ticked all the boxes.
The Bambino |
As soon as I got home I called Mr G to tell him I had found my car. "Did you take it for a test drive?" he replied. I said I didn't need to because surely a new car would be driveable. After studying the specs in the brochure I proffered he took a trip to look at the car and, no doubt, prepare a list of reasons as to why the car was unsuitable.
Immediately on his return he phoned and admitted that the car was cute and would be fun to drive. Would I like him to talk to the broker to get a good deal. Of course I would (understanding that his haste was fuelled by the worry that I might change my mind and fall in love with a more expensive car).
So here I am sitting like an expectant mother waiting for my Bambino to arrive. I am just as excited as when I took delivery of that Mini 35 years ago.