A first invitation is always sweet but to be invited to a party or to participate at any other event a second time implies acceptance.
I was an Official Blogger at the initial Rootstech Conference. I was thrilled when I received an email from Paul Nauta, from RootsTech Public Affairs and Familysearch inviting me to be an Official Blogger at the 2012 Rootstech Conference. I am pleased on a number of levels.
I had booked my flights to Rootstech a couple of months ago so I was going along even if I didn't have a role other then attendee. I was over the moon when I heard a few weeks ago that I would be presenting at the conference. The blogging invitation, that I accepted with glee, is icing on the cake.
I will have an opportunity to share experiences of my journey to Salt Lake City with my blog audience and, hopefully, give those who are not able to make it to Rootstech 2012 a glimpse into the excitement of the conference and an introduction to the people I meet. I am committed to the focus of Rootstech in bringing technology and genealogy together.
In 2011 all of the Official Bloggers except for me came from the Northern Hemisphere. As the Australian member of this group I tried to promote genealogists and genealogy resources and activities from downunder. My blog posts views increased in February 2011 with many visits from North America, I presume this will happen again. As the Bloggers page is not yet live I don't know who will be my Fellow Official Bloggers in 2012 - I'll just have to wait and see.
Being an Official Blogger has some perks. I hope there's an upfront seat t the opening keynote again. One gets Free Registration to the conference, not such a big deal when the earlybird registration is only $US129 (expires Nov 30). I'll also have somewhere to stow my bag and a table and wired internet access to use to write blog posts, although with all the chatter and networking that happens a quiet hotel room is a better spot for writing. Once again I will have to provide my own wireless access for tweeting during presentations. I will probably also get a couple of invitations to breakfasts, dinners, briefings and the like that will enable me to chat with luminaries from the genealogy world.
More importantly one has access to dedicated spaces in the RootsTech Media Hub for conducting audio interviews and podcasts. As a newbie in 2011 I did not make use of this facility. Now I know the ropes I will be making online reservations for interview rooms so that I can interview genealogy bods who are at the conference. I would love to hear who you would like me to interview and what you would like me to ask them. How privileged I am to have this opportunity to get such fantastic content for my blog.
The updated Rootstech website states"Bloggers with significant followings who post up-to-date information about technology and genealogy news and events were selected as Official RootsTech Bloggers." I thank the Rootstech organisers for including me in this list and look forward to discharging my role honourably.

I had booked my flights to Rootstech a couple of months ago so I was going along even if I didn't have a role other then attendee. I was over the moon when I heard a few weeks ago that I would be presenting at the conference. The blogging invitation, that I accepted with glee, is icing on the cake.
I will have an opportunity to share experiences of my journey to Salt Lake City with my blog audience and, hopefully, give those who are not able to make it to Rootstech 2012 a glimpse into the excitement of the conference and an introduction to the people I meet. I am committed to the focus of Rootstech in bringing technology and genealogy together.
In 2011 all of the Official Bloggers except for me came from the Northern Hemisphere. As the Australian member of this group I tried to promote genealogists and genealogy resources and activities from downunder. My blog posts views increased in February 2011 with many visits from North America, I presume this will happen again. As the Bloggers page is not yet live I don't know who will be my Fellow Official Bloggers in 2012 - I'll just have to wait and see.
Being an Official Blogger has some perks. I hope there's an upfront seat t the opening keynote again. One gets Free Registration to the conference, not such a big deal when the earlybird registration is only $US129 (expires Nov 30). I'll also have somewhere to stow my bag and a table and wired internet access to use to write blog posts, although with all the chatter and networking that happens a quiet hotel room is a better spot for writing. Once again I will have to provide my own wireless access for tweeting during presentations. I will probably also get a couple of invitations to breakfasts, dinners, briefings and the like that will enable me to chat with luminaries from the genealogy world.
More importantly one has access to dedicated spaces in the RootsTech Media Hub for conducting audio interviews and podcasts. As a newbie in 2011 I did not make use of this facility. Now I know the ropes I will be making online reservations for interview rooms so that I can interview genealogy bods who are at the conference. I would love to hear who you would like me to interview and what you would like me to ask them. How privileged I am to have this opportunity to get such fantastic content for my blog.
The updated Rootstech website states"Bloggers with significant followings who post up-to-date information about technology and genealogy news and events were selected as Official RootsTech Bloggers." I thank the Rootstech organisers for including me in this list and look forward to discharging my role honourably.
Congrats. Well deserved!
What a genius! Well deserved, enjoy.
Hurray!! congrats :)
Congratulations, looking forward to reading your posts from RootsTech 2012!
Congrats! I think orange looks very good on you :)
Looking forward to seeing you in February at Rootstech 2012.
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