I have suggested on a couple of occasions to two of my first cousins that they might consider doing a DNA test and they seemed open to the idea.
I have on a shelf in my study a few FTDNA kits and have been dithering about potential victims. One was reserved for a grandson who scraped his cheek earlier in the week when I realised that I was going to the US soon and that it would cost me less to post off the samples from there. Grandson has wanted to test for a while but I didn't want to push him or his parents into it. Thankfully his parents have been happy to have him tested. I am thrilled that he has an interest in both science and family history. Perhaps his young brain will help me with interpretation of results.
As I was meeting the two cousins today for a Christmas catchup lunch I popped two DNA kits in my handbag and thought that I would broach the DNA subject with them over lunch. As soon as we settled at our table I mentioned that I had the kits in my bag, they both responded enthusiastically and agreed to give a sample on the spot. (That's more postage saved). I checked that they hadn't eaten since breakfast and wouldn't allow them to drink the wine that arrived at our table until the cheek scraping was over. They were allowed water.
Cousin 1 scraping |
What was a serious event was quite a gigglefest as we considered the skeletons the tests might uncover. I tried to be serious as I explained the issues but I am fairly confident that we won't find any NPEs in recent generations, the cousins bear strong physical resemblances to their late parents. They agree that anything in earlier generations that we might uncover would just provide interest. I think I have uncovered most stories through my traditional research but who knows?
Cousin 2 follows suit |
We must have looked a funny sight in
this hip restaurant that was populated with people a generation younger than us as our table was littered with FTDNA bumph and a watch to time the scrape sessions.
Scrapefest accessories |
As soon as they had performed their duty I (as the
bossy eldest cousin) allowed the girls to attack their wine and we toasted DNA and our ancestors. I am so grateful to these two generous ladies who consented so readily to DNA testing (minimal arm twisting was involved).
I am an only child so have no siblings to test. Cousin 1 is my double cousin (our mothers were sisters, our fathers were brothers) so I expect to be a close match with her. It will be interesting to see how many matches we have in common. Cousin 2 is a paternal cousin so having her results will help me determine which of my matches are from the paternal side.
I am feeling on top of the world tonight and thank those three family members who have supported my genealogy obsession with such good grace.

Awesome! Look forward to hearing what is uncovered!
Fantastic...here's to some great matches!! Would love to have seen the faces on other patrons at the hip restaurant ;)
BTW you may have broken your word limit with this post...heehee.
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