Monday, March 12, 2012

The Reader Geneameme - Better Late than Never

A few weeks ago I challenged other genealogists to respond to this meme; I am flummoxed by the lack of response to this challenge of mine. I have been overwhelmed at the responses to earlier memes so am surprised that only five other genies have taken up this meme challenge so far.

Celia Lewis, on Google Plus, commented "As someone who reads about a book a day and has since about 12, this Reader Geneameme had me answering (in my head) - don't know, whatever I'm reading right now, the library is my friend... etc. That is, this meme didn't stir my brain or heart - I'm simply a bookoholic, loving all kinds, and reading them everywhere and every when."

So perhaps that is why more genies haven't responded. I am responding not only because I love books and reading but also because, in this National Year of Reading, I want to leave a record for future generations of my thoughts on this important topic.

The Reader GeneaMeme

The list should be annotated in the following manner:
Things you have already done or found: bold face type
Things you would like to do or find: italicize (colour optional)
Things you haven’t done or found and don’t care to: plain type

You are encouraged to add extra comments in brackets after each item 

Which of these apply to you? reading
  1. Have you written any books?  Yes a children's picture book as part of the coursework for my Graduate Diploma in Education.  I got a stunning mark for my efforts.
  2. Have you published any books?  I think I have a few books in me. I just need to settle down and write. 
  3. Can you recommend an inspiring biography?  So many. Take a look at the list of Biographies I have read - those with four or more stars I would recommend.
  4. Do you keep a reading log? If yes, in what format? Yes, for around twenty years. Firstly I  religiously recorded my reading in an an A4 notebook with a tartan cover. Since 1996, when I joined Librarything I have recorded my reading in this online social media site. My profile can be found here:
  5. Are you a buyer or a borrower of books?  Mostly a buyer but I occasionally borrow from local libraries. Members of my immediate family buy and share books with each other.
  6. Where do you get reading recommendations? Friends, family, reviews and  browsing shelves in bookshops.
  7. What is the one genealogy reference book you can't do without? No one book - there are so many out there that none is indispensible.
  8. Do you hoard books or do you discard them when you have finished? I can't bear to part with my books. I have probably only discarded less than ten in the last few years.
  9. How many books are in your genealogy library? Only around 53. I tend to use genealogy books on site in libraries and societies.
  10. What's your favourite genealogy magazine or journal? Australia's own - Inside History Magazine.
  11. Where are the bookshelves in your house? Hallway, Kitchen, Bedroom, Study and Garage. I have a couple of thousand books in my home.
  12. Do you read e-books? How? Yes - on rare occasions when I am travelling on my Samsung Galaxy Tab.
  13. How many library cards do you have? Three - local, state, national.
  14. What was the last genealogy title you read?  It was an ebook by my mate, Amy Coffin, The Big Genealogy Blog Book. 
  15. What is your favourite bookshop? St Vincent de Paul, Galston, my local thrift shop, has a small collection of recently published titles in excellent condition. I visit every few weeks and always find treasures. I purchase new books online from The Book Depository; for secondhand books Abe Books is my first port of call.
  16. Do you have a traditional printed encyclopaedia in your house? There is an old kids one in a box in the garage somewhere.  
  17. Who are the authors in your family tree and what have they written? Many of my ancestors couldn't read or write - maybe one day I will find one who penned and published.
  18. Who is your favourite author? Why did I ask this question? This depends on my mood and situation.
  19. Where do you buy books?  I purchase new books online from The Book Depository; for secondhand books Abe Books is my first port of call.  As well as the local Vinnies store I buy books at fetes and fairs.
  20. Can you nominate a must-read fiction title? Those that  I have rated on Librarything with four and a half stars or more are must reads.
  21. How many books are in your personal library? 2,000+
  22. What is your dictionary of choice?  Any version of the Oxford English Dictionary (call me old fashioned)
  23. Where do your read? Anywhere, anytime. There is always a book in my glove box and in digital format on my tablet in my handbag. There is a small mountain of books on the floor beside my bed.
  24. What was your favourite childhood book? Dancing Star by Gladys Malvern, a fictionalised account of Anna Pavlova's life. I still have this treasured tome in my collection.
  25. Do you have anything else to say about books and reading? A book a day keeps boredom at bay.


Judy Webster said...

How interesting that you wrote a children's picture book! Like you, I swap books with my immediate family, and my sister has just introduced me to the novels of Marian Keyes. I wonder how many work places have a 'book swap' shelf or box for staff to use. It was a big success in both places where I've worked.

A O'Brien said...

I agree with St Vincent de Paul stores as a great place to get books, I bought my niece some beautiful copies of classics in excellent condition (Black Beauty, Anne of Green Gables, The Little Princess) there just a few weeks ago for a couple of dollars. She just loves to read!

Shauna Hicks said...

Sorry Jill I totally missed this one otherwise I would have contributed - sometimes if we don't log on at the right time we can miss notifications or tweets re same.

Anonymous said... at this twitter. Have enjoyed reading forever. Recently started to clean out my bookshelves and sent heaps to vinnies for some else to enjoy my treasures. Always have a book at hand. Would love to write something..just lack confidence I think.....admire all who do though.

Shauna Hicks said...

Here's my contribution

Cassmob (Pauleen) said...

How weird that so few people commented. I thought it was a good idea so I'm bemused. The downside of the ebooks is the limited opportunity to share them round.


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