Friday, July 6, 2012

Thanks, Shauna

At the recent Unlock the Past Brisbane Expo I gave a talk each day about using the Flip-Pal and organising one's images with Picasa. My three other presentations were on Geneablogging, Geneawebinars and Google+ for Genealogy.

As a former teacher I love sharing knowledge with others and encouraging them to explore new resources and topics. I was thrilled to be given an opportunity to share my enthusiasm for Blogging, Google+ and Webinars at this Unlock the Past event. An important part of any process is evaluation so I was chuffed that many of the attendees took the time to stop by the Gould stand and give me feedback on my performance.

What really made the effort worthwhile was that someone who attended some of my talks took the time to blog about the experience and even better was that the person who did so was Shauna Hicks, one of Australia's foremost genealogy presenters. Shauna said:

"For my second session I decided to go to one of the free sessions and I'm glad I did. Jill Ball gave a great three part presentation on webinars (GeneaWebinars), Flip Pal mobile scanners and Picasa for genealogists. It was a practical session with Jill taking the mystery out of these areas and showing how simple it really is to use these great tools for our family history research. My only gripe was that it should have been longer and part of the paid talk series so that more people could have had the opportunity to attend. The great news is that Jill's slides for all three talks will be on the Unlock the PastResources page soon."

Thank you, Shauna, that paragraph on your blog made my day.

When you enjoy a talk, presentation or a piece of writing do you take the time to give feedback to the person responsible for the work?


Alona Tester said...

Jill, I'm sorry I missed your talks as they were ones that I did want to go to. But being on the stand does mean it's not easy to leave. So, I'll just have to go on the cruise and soak it all up there.

Shauna Hicks said...

And I meant every word! Too often we are bamboozled by all the new technology and having someone to show us how easy it is, is very important. Thanks Jill.

Anonymous said...

Understand exactly what you're saying Jill re: being a former teacher and loving to share the knowledge. So pleased you received such positive feedback. That's an added bonus, eh? Cheers, Catherine


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