Friday, October 17, 2014

GAGs - GeniAus' Gems - 17 October 2014

GAGs is into its fourth week with a new selection of blog posts I have read and enjoyed for various reasons over the past week. I am so impressed by the quality of many of the posts from downunder I read each week, our geneablogging is going from strength to strength.

As previously stated the selections here are subject to my personal biases and I make no apology for that.

Presenting in no particular order some selections from my RSS feeds this week: 

1. I was going to share this image on my blog but Janelle beat me to it.

2. My once beautiful handwriting has gone to pot so Pauline's post struck a chord with me

3. It's not nearly as good as being there  but this recount from Shauna gave me a glimpse of an event that was held recently in Sunny Queensland.

4. And if you also read Tanya's post straight after Shauna's you will get a fuller picture of what went on at Angling for Ancestors.

5. I like the way that Nola has split up a long story into several posts of a manageable size (for someone like me with a short attention span). This post is one of a series.

6. Helen is also blogging on a theme. In this post she ties her content to a current event.

7. While I'm on the theme of series. Here is a Loveday blogger who is telling a family story in small chunks.

8. Let's not forget that small  museums often have priceless local resources.

9. A Sensational Story for Sepia Saturday from Sharon.

10. I missed this news and perhaps you did too. Thanks to Fran from Manly Library.

It is so hard to limit myself to ten selections although I am tempted to add more.


Sharon said...

Thank you so much for including my blog Jill. I appreciate it. Some other really good blogs on your list that I hadn't read. Thanks again.

Shauna Hicks said...

Thanks Jill for including the posts on the Gold Coast seminar. It was a great day.


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