Wednesday, October 8, 2014

A New Page AFFHO 2015

I'm a bit excited about my role as an Official Blogger for Congress 2015 in Canberra and have been thinking of ways to share the excitement.

I realise that much information goes out on Twitter that non Twitter users miss so, as a bit of an experiment,  I have set up a page on this blog, AFFHO 2015, that (hopefully) will capture the conversation on Twitter relating to The 14th Australasian Congress on Genealogy and Heraldry in March. If you look at this page when you visit my blog you will see a summary of the latest news from the Twittersphere.

The content comes from a widget I have created that should capture all tweets that contain AFFHO so it should capture all tweets from the Congress Twitter account as well as those that use the Congress Hashtag #AFFHO. The content will change as new tweets appear so it will display just the latest news.

REMINDER Earlybird registration closes on October 31. Act now to save on fees.


Shauna Hicks said...

Good idea Jill.

Caitie G said...

Excellent idea!!! I was thinking of doing that for FGS/Rootstech. I thought I might set up my own hashtag like CaitieInSLC or CaitieAtFGS/CaitieAtRootstech depending on where I am at the time. If you can think of a more creative one let me know! :)


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