A prompt from Geneabloggers over the weekend reminded me that I had missed
my blogiversary last week. I must be hiding my age well because, although Geneabloggers told me that this blog had started in 2009 I thought I was a tad older than that. I've put a reminder in my Google Calendar so that I won't miss this event next year when GeniAus turns 8.
Going back through the archives I discovered
my first GeniAus post from 5 November 2008.
GeniAus First Post |
Who was I kidding?
Crowded? Back in 2008 there were very few geneablogs around, I am so thrilled that, when I retired, I found a niche in which to blog. I had been blogging about education, libraries and technology for several years and enjoyed communicating via this medium and wanted to continue writing bits and pieces. I am pleased that many of my Australian Genimates have taken up blogging, presently I follow over
200 Australasian Blogs in my
RSS reader.
Unfortunately I didn't keep a screen shot of my blog as it appeared in 2008. The first image in 2011 I have comes from
The Wayback Machine.
GeniAus Blog 27 January 2011 |
Although the blog has had a number of new looks over the years the thing that has remained constant is my
GeniAus portrait done by my then 7 year old granddaughter.
GeniAus Portrait 2008 |
Entering the Geneasphere via this blog opened up
a whole new world to me. I am so grateful to all the friends and opportunities it brought my way. Thank you to all who have stopped by GeniAus over the years, I appreciate your friendship, interest and support.
My life has been enriched by through Geneablogging.
Jill, plus you should be very proud of all the help you share in the genie-blogosphere. Reading you regular posts is enlighting, enjoyable and educational. It was your post looking back at your time blogging that prompted me to actually schedule a post for one of my blogging anniversaries. If I forget it will happen automatically. Happy Anniversary. Fran
Congratulations on your 7th Blogiversary...that is a great achievement. Fran sums it up so well, but I have to add that one of the greatest benefits from blogging is definitely the friendships that arise throughout the blogging community.
I look forward to your next 7 years...
Happy Blogiversary Jill!
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