Having been out of the country for seven weeks I have a lot of things on my genealogy "To do" list. A quiet day at home is giving me a chance to catch up with some tasks. If I neglect to fulfill a promise made to any of my readers please let me know and I will rectify the situation.
Adding a new member to the family tree is a delight. Oscar, my great-nephew was born in early January and, on the day before I returned home, my 9th grandchild, Nicholas, arrived in this world. The details of the boys' births have now been added to my site.
I am embarrassed to say that I neglected to pay my annual subscription to The Society of Australia Genealogists; I feel much better now that I have done so as I believe in supporting our State society.
My most unsuccessful meme to date has been the recent Reader Geneameme. Thanks to Shauna Hicks and Linda Ottery I have been able to add two more responses to the list.
I had an invitation for my husband and I to attend a Lord Mayor's Reception in Adelaide for the forthcoming 13th Australasian Congress on Genealogy and Heraldry. I have responded to that invitation and look forward to donning my glad rags and joining fellow genealogists in the historic Adelaide Town Hall.
At the Rootstech Conference I conducted two interviews that were videotaped. The first with Darrin Lythgoe from TNG I uploaded to Youtube several weeks ago; this has already had over 300 views. I have been trying unsuccessfully to upload the second with Walt and Diane from Flip-Pal. I'm attempting an upload once more and will let you know through this blog when it is ready for viewing.
The 28th Annual Conference of the NSW & ACT Association of Family History Societies will be held in Sydney on 14, 15 and 16 September 2012. I emailed off my bio, mugshot and summary of the workshop I will be presenting on Blogs at that event. I hope to catch up with many other geneabloggers at the conference that is to be hosted by The Botany Bay Family History Society in Sydney's Sutherland Shire.
A visit to Geneawebinars is on the cards. I have been neglecting my CGD while travelling so need to sign up for a bit of self-improvement.
A number of people have contacted me with additions and corrections for the Geniaus Family Site. I will work through these and upload an update to my site this week.
During my absence I wrote and submitted another article for Inside History Magazine. My next task is to find some images to enhance that article.
Both the Android Genealogy and GeniMates blogs need attention - I hope to publish a few more posts this week before I head for Congress in Adelaide. Hopefully some of the genies I meet in Adelaide will be happy to provide profiles for GeniMates. I also need to review all the comments that have been made on my blogs and respond to any questions that have been posed.
How I will ever have time to sort, examine and file all the material I gathered from the resources at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City I do not know but I had better get tracking or it will be March 2013 and time to return for Rootstech 2013.

I am embarrassed to say that I neglected to pay my annual subscription to The Society of Australia Genealogists; I feel much better now that I have done so as I believe in supporting our State society.
My most unsuccessful meme to date has been the recent Reader Geneameme. Thanks to Shauna Hicks and Linda Ottery I have been able to add two more responses to the list.
I had an invitation for my husband and I to attend a Lord Mayor's Reception in Adelaide for the forthcoming 13th Australasian Congress on Genealogy and Heraldry. I have responded to that invitation and look forward to donning my glad rags and joining fellow genealogists in the historic Adelaide Town Hall.
At the Rootstech Conference I conducted two interviews that were videotaped. The first with Darrin Lythgoe from TNG I uploaded to Youtube several weeks ago; this has already had over 300 views. I have been trying unsuccessfully to upload the second with Walt and Diane from Flip-Pal. I'm attempting an upload once more and will let you know through this blog when it is ready for viewing.
The 28th Annual Conference of the NSW & ACT Association of Family History Societies will be held in Sydney on 14, 15 and 16 September 2012. I emailed off my bio, mugshot and summary of the workshop I will be presenting on Blogs at that event. I hope to catch up with many other geneabloggers at the conference that is to be hosted by The Botany Bay Family History Society in Sydney's Sutherland Shire.
A visit to Geneawebinars is on the cards. I have been neglecting my CGD while travelling so need to sign up for a bit of self-improvement.
A number of people have contacted me with additions and corrections for the Geniaus Family Site. I will work through these and upload an update to my site this week.
During my absence I wrote and submitted another article for Inside History Magazine. My next task is to find some images to enhance that article.
Both the Android Genealogy and GeniMates blogs need attention - I hope to publish a few more posts this week before I head for Congress in Adelaide. Hopefully some of the genies I meet in Adelaide will be happy to provide profiles for GeniMates. I also need to review all the comments that have been made on my blogs and respond to any questions that have been posed.
How I will ever have time to sort, examine and file all the material I gathered from the resources at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City I do not know but I had better get tracking or it will be March 2013 and time to return for Rootstech 2013.
1 comment:
I need some info on Australia. I had a great uncle who moved there and remained there the rest of his life. Is there a Find a Grave branch active there? I found where his grave is there but could not find it listed. If so could you give me contact info. Thank you so much. He lived and died in Trunkey Creek. Mary Ellen Aube
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