Elizabeth Phipps 1785-1869 was a convict who was transported from England to New South Wales in 1814 per Wanstead.
I haven't yet found a Xavier, Xanthe or other X named individual among Elizabeth's descendants.
Various online dictionaries tell me that Xerarch relates to living things that develop in a dry habitat. I therefore contend that Elizabeth Phipps descendants who mostly grew and flourished in the Colony of New South Wales and after the Federation in Australia are Xerachs. That's the best I can do with an X word!
During my preparations for this challenge I have looked at scores of Elizabeth's descendants. Many are ordinary folk who embraced the opportunities that arose in this new land and have lived happy and fulfilling lives, some have become famous in various fields of endeavour. They have thrived in the harsh environment that Elizabeth was transported to in the early 19th century.
I am proud to be one of our community of Xerachs.
I love to connect with cousins and fellow researchers. Should you find any errors in my post or have additional information please contact me.
Well found, a new word for me.
That’s a clever word and new to me as well.
Great post for the letter X. I’m always intrigued to see what people come up with for these hard letters. Interesting use of the word!!
Great choice for the letter X. I have heard of the term from studying botany -- but would never have thought to use it for the A to Z Challenge :-)
Well done! I read thru the dictionary and didn't anything I could wrangle into a post for the last 3 letters. But thanks for encouragement to complete the rest of the challenge. It's been a very useful process.
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