Thank you Pauleen Cass, Kylie Willison and Julie Goucher. You have all had amazingly successful years. Following are links to their fantastic posts.
Pauleen Cass
Kylie Willison
Julie Goucher
Shauna Hicks and Alona Tester have indicated that they will be taking up the challenge and I will be posting my response later today.
How about joining us by taking up the geneameme challenge at : Accentuate the Positive 2012 Geneameme.
Really easy, especially for a Society that is dedicated to making our history more available.
Not one, but two - Stratford Historical Society also had a pretty good year.
Great to have a Society responding, Linda. I've added your links to the compilation at http://geniaus.blogspot.com.au/2013/01/2012-very-good-year.html
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