Wednesday, July 23, 2014


I don't know how they did it!

My friend in genealogy DearMyrtle (Pat Richley-Ericson) and her Cousin Russ (Russ Worthington) should be singing in best Dora the Explorer style "We did it, we did it, we did it, Hooray." but I suspect that they are sleeping after hosting the 24 hour Geneasleepover Hanagout on Air.

I cannot thank them enough for hosting this feast of learning and collaboration from which I learnt so much. It was fortuitous that Mr GeniAus was away on business so I was able to participate or tune in to the Hangout during my waking hours. I spent around 7 hours on the panel and another two hours viewing the proceedings from the DearMyrtle community.

As I am having trouble writing a coherent report on this event I will use my fave PMI (Plus, Minus, Interesting) thinking tool toorganise the thoughts I have about the event.

* It was a worldwide event open to all members of the DearMyrtle Community on Google+ and invited guests to join the panel.
* Community members watching the show live could participate by making comments in the community.
* Anyone with access to the internet could watch the live show on Youtube.
* Dovetailing with the Familysearch indexing event was a brilliant idea.
* Myrt's relaxed manner makes panelists and viewers feel as though they are all taking part in a fireside chat.
* Myrt and Russ don't take themselves too seriously. They are willing to make and learn from their mistakes.
* Panelists from countries all around the globe joined in to share local knowledge.
* People from Familysearch joined in to keep us updated with latest statistics from the indexing event.
* I got to talk in real time to fellow genealogists I knew from the online genealogycommunity.
* I got a chance to spotlight and talk about "Australian Royalty". Thanks for the invittion Myrt.
* I had opportunities to talk about several topics as Myrt deferred to members of the panel.
* There was a huge range of topics for discussion - something for everyone.
* The online indexing demos were helpful.
* Being a panelist gave me an opportunity to ask questions of other experts. Thanks for the answers.
* Seeing young genealogist, Caitlin, online and representing Australia gave me a buzz.
* It was heartening to see Australians commenting in the community about their indexing efforts (Alex Daw springs to mind).
* My fave activity was watching and hearing Sherri, a Familysearch indexing arbitrator, demonstrate and discuss arbitration.
* My internet connection remained stable for most of the day.
* I completed and uploaded 5 batches of indexing to Familysearch.
* Russ will be timestamping the videos so we can go right to the sections that interest us.

* Poor Myrt and Russ were sleep deprived.
* I was sleeping when my mate Sonia from Spain was on the panel.
* I had trouble minding my manners, it was hard not to interject but I tried to keep myself muted.
* I think that only two Australians took the opportunity to join the panel.
* My kitchen chair was uncomfortable. I dragged my office chair out for the last couple of hours.
* I probably won't find the time to watch the whole 24 hours of video.
* I only managed to index five Familysearch batches because I was enthralled y the Hangout content.

* I can't fathom why more people didn't join the panel. When I was participating there were spaces left for others to join the panel.
* Perhaps in future 24 hour Hangouts so that Myrt and Russ can take a nap the reins can be passed over to various people with  just one of Myrt or Russ online at a time to co-ordinate proceedings.
* My internet connection became flaky around 6:00pm - peak time in Australia. I will reconsider the times I hold my GeniAus Hangouts on Air and may schedule them for times when the internet is more reliable.
* Perhaps I could hold a 6-8 hour GeniAus #hoa with guest speakers on different topics.


Sonia Meza said...

(My assist is Google translate) Do not worry about sleep as I spoke, my children do too, even if it is of day ;)
I can't imagine the tiredness that Myrt and Russ felt. I had a few months ago a hangout of 12 hours and when I got out of the Chair I felt that the world had stopped.
Yes I had the opportunity to see at various times the hangout and Myrt is an inspiring woman. After talking with her on Friday, I decided to also transmit a few hours with my hangout. Thank you for your information and your love <3

No te preocupes por dormir mientras yo hablaba, mis hijos también lo hacen, incluso si es de día ;)
No puedo imaginar el cansancio que Myrt y Russ sintieron. Yo tuve hace unos meses un hangout de 12 horas y cuando me levanté de la silla me pareció que el mundo se había detenido.
Sí tuve la oportunidad de ver en varios momentos el hangout y creo que Myrt es una mujer inspiradora. Luego de hablar con ella el viernes, tomé la decisión de transmitir también con mi hangout algunas horas. Gracias por tu información y tu cariño <3

Shauna Hicks said...

Sounds like a great online event Jill - perhaps something to think about for NFHM 2015? Sorry I missed it but so many last minute things for NFHM are keeping me busy at the moment.

Unknown said...

Jill, I enjoyed your imput and you had information which I was unfamiliar with so enjoyed your input.
The event sure made us realize how small the world is. Not just for those in all parts of the United States but also the world.

Cassmob (Pauleen) said...

Thanks for sharing this Jill. The timing didn't work for me being yet again in transit. Well done Myrt and Russ!!

GeniAus said...

Great idea Shauna - I'd like to try a shorter 8 or 12 hour Hangout next year for National Family History Month.

I should be back in Australia in late August 2015 so will plan it for the last week of NHFM2105.


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