Thursday, December 31, 2009
New Year's Greetings from Sydney
Each year our city hosts a magnificent fireworks display to celebrate the dawn of the New Year. When the kids were little we would visit friends and together stroll to a vantage point to watch the skies light up. Now that we are older and have less energy we prefer to watch the televised show .... but there is nothing like the real thing.
Here is a snippet from NYE 2008/2009:
New Year's Resolutions! Carnival of Genealogy 87th Edition
By taking part in this Carnival I am forcing myself to reflect on the haphazard way in which I approach my genealogy hobby. I am retiring from fulltime employment this month so I should have mor
* Get organised;
Still working on this one.
* Label my archive of Blogposts and all new posts;
Have retrospectively tagged and now try to tag as I go.
* Post to Geniaus every second day;
Except for holiday periods or when away from home have posted on a daily basis.
* Go through ancestors records one by one and properly record sources for all information; This is happening in a most haphazard manner - needs attention.
* Move my paper files into one sequence and out of their family-based folders;
Have sorted all files into one long alphabetical sequence by individual names.
* Digitise all certificates, wills etc. in my posession;
Partially completed.
* Scan and tag my family history photographs;
Slow process - 1600 more old photos scanned, 60,000+ digital photos tagged.
* Update and redesign my website;
Major project of transferring files and commissioning site is complete but, as site is continually evolving, it will never be finished.
* Respond to emails from fellow genealogists in a timely manner;
I hope that I have done so.
* Rejoin The Society of Australian Genealogists.
Have joined the Society.
I am fairly pleased with my progress in 2009. The retirement I had anticipated would give me lots of time was short-lived as I took on a part-time role in a family business. I would not have missed this opportunity for the world - I have enjoyed working in a completely new industry.
In addition to progressing with my 2009 resolutions I will add some more to my 2010 list. My updated list follows
* Put the living before the dead - when family members visit make them the focus of my attention;
* Take advantage of serendipity moments eg actively listen to the Aunts at family gatherings, take photos of family members/groups at gatherings; record notes of information shared on my smartphone, scraps of paper, serviettes - just get it down;
* Use web 2.0 technologies to promote genealogy in Australia, eg GoogleWave, Twitter, GenealogyWise Australian Group;
* Be patient with fellow researchers who do not share my enthusiasm for technology;
* Get organised;
* Label my Blogposts ;
* Post to Geniaus at least every second day;
* Go through ancestors records one by one and properly record sources for all information;
* Digitise all certificates, wills etc. in my posession;
* Scan and tag my family history photographs;
* Regularly update my website;
* Respond to emails from fellow genealogists in a timely manner;
* Maintain membership of The Society of Australian Genealogists;
* Attend Genealogy workshops/lectures.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Top 10 End-of-Decade Netbooks
A netbook is one of my essential genealogical tools on which I carry my database in a copy of TMG. It fits snugly in my large handbag when I travel. As well as providing me with a means of keeping in touch via internet and email it allows ready access to my genealaogy database. I also use my smartphone for internet, email and reading RSS feeds but find that the netbook's larger screen size makes for easier access to familydata.
Listed in this article are the top ten netbooks nominated by APC. If you travel and don't have a netbook now is the time to rectify that situation.
Top 10 End-of-Decade Netbooks
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Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Figures tsar with flair for making friends and foes | The Australian
Figures tsar with flair for making friends and foes | The Australian
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Thursday, December 24, 2009
A Dog's Christmas
We have had a few pooches over the years - they have been 'orphan' dogs - either surrendered to the local council or purchased from the pound. Robbie was a deceased next door neighbour's dog given to me by one of my students. Each of these hounds has had a unique personality and ha

Our first dog Thomas didn't stay with the family long, he was a little too energetic for our tiny courtyard and so went to live with some very good friends who had a much larger yard. Willy, a Border Collie cross, was a gentle and obedient larrikin who was scared of storms. The only time he ventured onto the carpeted areas of our home was when a storm was brewing and he was seeking refuge under a chair or table. When we moved to an acreage Willy became adventurous and was able to find his way out of our property. He was the victim of a car travelling along the road outside our house.
Robbie, an Australian Silky Terrier, was my dog. He followed me everywhere and snarled at anyone who came too close to me. The kids had enormous fun dressing Robbie in doll's clothes and parading him around. Mr Geniaus did not appreciate Robbie's over-protectiveness.
Marty, another fluffy d

We have three grand-dogs who regularly visit. Ralph, a Border Collie cross, is now an old man who likes to spend his day resting. Like Willy he is gentle and intelligent. Little Neuro is a bundle of energy who, although he is over five, still races round with the energy of a new pup. Buddy, a handsome red and white Border Collie, arrived last Christmas. He has boundless energy and enjoys digging up the garden.
A Dog's Christmas Poem by Shel Silverstein
Tonight's my first night as a watchdog,And here it is Christmas Eve.
The children are sleepin' all cozy upstairs,
While I'm guardin' the stockin's and tree.
What's THAT now . . . footsteps on the rooftop?
Could it be a cat or a mouse?
Who's THIS down the chimney?
A thief with a beard - And a big sack for robbin' the house?
I'm barkin'. . . I'm growlin' . . . I'm bitin' his butt.
He howls and jumps back in his sleigh.
I scared his strange horses, they leap in the air.
I've frightened the whole bunch away.
Now the house is all peaceful and quiet again,
The stockin's are safe as can be.
Won't the kiddies be glad when they wake up tomorrow . . .
And see how I've guarded the tree.
Learn To Preserve Family Memories - Denver News Story - KMGH Denver
Learn To Preserve Family Memories - Denver News Story - KMGH Denver
Recording family histories before it's too late
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Heartwarming reunion for sisters in Southport
Champion Newspapers, Local News, Sport, Arts, Podcasts and Blogs
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Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Connecting at Christmas the high-tech way
Christmas | Cisco | Telepresence | video conference
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Christmas News from our Nation's Capital
There will be no Nativity Scene in Canberra this year!
The High Court has ruled that there cannot be a Nativity scene in the Australian Capital this Christmas season.
This is not for any religious reason. They simply have not been able to find Three Wise Men in the Nation's Capital. A search for a Virgin continues.
There was no problem, however, in finding enough asses to fill the stable.
Official Google Blog: Unofficial tech support returns home for the holidays
Official Google Blog: Unofficial tech support returns home for the holidays
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Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Overseas memorial database goes live
Planning trips to Australian memorials while overseas, including the Australian War Memorial in London and the 1943 Kokoda Track Memorial, is now much easier with the help of a new online resource.
The Overseas Memorials Search includes details and photographs of more than 110 official and privately constructed overseas memorials which honour Australian service across the globe.
The database will continue to grow as data is collected. Those who have information about the location or details of overseas memorials are invited to contact the Department’s Office of Australian War Graves at
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Destination: Austin Family: Follow Friday - Carole's Canvas
Destination: Austin Family: Follow Friday - Carole's Canvas
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Sydney’s Italian fruit shops: a history « Local Notes
Sydney’s Italian fruit shops: a history « Local Notes
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Saturday, December 19, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Top 100 Irish Australians revealed
As my fathers ancestors were all Irish I have an interest in all thing Irish so I had browse through the paper. I found an interesting article from November, Top 100 Irish Australians revealed. Sadly none of my lot were on the list.
If you have Irish ancestors take a look, you may find mention of an ancestor.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Dear Genea-Santa: 86th Carnival of Genealogy

Dear Genea-Santa,
I've looked at a couple of lists of gift suggestions for genealogists and have realised that I am a lucky old genealogist as I have many of the goodies suggested on the lists.
From Julie Miller, Senior Times and Carole's Canvas are lists of gift ideas. These are many wonderful suggestions - our individual needs will dictate those items an individual would most desire.
As well as some concrete items, Dear Genea-Santa, I would be pleased to have the following:
Perseverance when I encounter a brick wall;
Patience when dealing with individuals who don't quite get IT;
Time to indulge my passion for family history;
Generosity to share the results of my research;
Meticulousness when recording my research findings;
Understanding for those who are reluctant to embrace new technology like Google Wave;
Good Health and Energy to continue with my endeavours.
Please continue to spread peace and goodwill to all men as you set out on your Christmas journey.
Thanks, Geniaus
This article was written for the Carnival of Genealogy - 86th edition
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Christmas at the Cross
My gift for this carnival is a photo of Geniaus, her kindy pals and teacher in front of the tree at the Kindergarten Christmas Party. The children were required to wear fancy dress for the party; luckily Geniaus had an outfit from her ballet concert that she could wear. Some of the children are clutching the Christmas stockings we received as gifts on the day.
Geniaus is the little sailor girl on the bottom left of the photo. The tall girl in the middle back row with short, dark, curly hair is, fifty-five years later, Geniaus' friend. She is my son's best friend's mother. It's a small world!

This post was prepared for the Smile for the Camera, 19th Edition Carnival - Gift
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Readers in the Mist: For genealogists
Readers in the Mist: For genealogists
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Family History Online « Community Technology Centre
Family History Online « Community Technology Centre
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Monday, December 7, 2009
How do you present your research results?
The bods at Unlock the Past have posted their latest Genealogy Poll How do you present your research results? Visit their site and record your results by 17th December.
Co-incidentally Erica, member of the Australian Genealogists Group on GenealogyWise, added a group discussion Where on the web do you leave your information? Please consider joining the Group and contributing to this and other Aussie discussions.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Khmerization ខែ្មរូបនីយកម្ម: Punchbowl couple prepare for their Cambodian-Chinese-Australian wedding
Khmerization ខែ្មរូបនីយកម្ម: Punchbowl couple prepare for their Cambodian-Chinese-Australian wedding
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Educause - help for Genies in a web2.0 world
On the Educause site there is growing collection of resources (presently 55): 7 Things you should know about. These publications in .pdf format (although I haven't checked them all out.) explain in simple language various web based applications.
If you are flummoxed by Flip Camcorders, confused by Creative Commons, excited by e-books, boggled by Blogs, gobsmacked by GoogleWave or worried by Wikipedia then head over to the 7 Things you should know about at Educause and you will be illuminated.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
transportation-australia.mp3 (audio/mpeg Object)
transportation-australia.mp3 (audio/mpeg Object)
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Sunday, November 29, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Hodgman's farewell speech Tasmania News - The Mercury - The Voice of Tasmania
Hodgman's farewell speech Tasmania News - The Mercury - The Voice of Tasmania
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Wednesday, November 18, 2009
FamilySearch Labs Blog » Blog Archive » FamilySearch Alpha Goes Beta
FamilySearch Labs Blog » Blog Archive » FamilySearch Alpha Goes Beta
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Connect Two Computers Without a Router - Share Files and your Internet Connection with an Ethernet Crossover Cable
Connect Two Computers Without a Router - Share Files and your Internet Connection with an Ethernet Crossover Cable
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Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Seven Tools to Map Your Company or Life History - ReadWriteStart
Seven Tools to Map Your Company or Life History - ReadWriteStart
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Society opens the cloak of secrecy - Local News - The Aucklander
Society opens the cloak of secrecy - Local News - The Aucklander
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Monday, November 16, 2009
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Sunday, November 15, 2009
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
Getting started on Twitter
twitter_first_flight.pdf (application/pdf Object)
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How to Backup your Photos Online - Preserve Your Digital Memories Forever
How to Backup your Photos Online - Preserve Your Digital Memories Forever
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Thursday, November 12, 2009
Heritage funding announced |
Heritage funding announced |
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Australian reader seeking Westmeath roots - Opinion - Letters - Articles - Westmeath Examiner
Australian reader seeking Westmeath roots - Opinion - Letters - Articles - Westmeath Examiner
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Google Wave Update
I can see enormous potential for this new tool especially when some of the features that are highlighted in the Wave explanatory video, but are not yet activated, are implemented. I am, however, a frustrated waver. I have joined waves for educators, librarians, Australian educators, Sydneysiders, women on the wave and genealogists.
I must concur with a comment on Twitter by SteelyGreen:
"Predictably Librarians across world already self organized themselves brilliantly on Google Wave - likewise Educationalists & Genealogists." The Librarians Wave Directory that I have joined is very well organised and the most active Wave I am on.
The Educators Wave Directory started off with a flourish but there hasn't been a post since 22 October. Surprisingly the Aussie Wavers Wave for Australian educators is very quiet. The participants on this Wave are among the leaders in the integration of IT into education in Australia. The Sydney (Australia) Users Wave has over 450 posts and is updated almost daily. The WOW - Women on the Wave group is a good directory for a minority group with Wave invitations.
Having retired from IT, Education and Libraries I am mostly interested in Genealogy Waves. I have used Twitter, Facebook, this blog and GenealogyWise to find other genealogists on Google Wave. I have managed to score Waves invites for a number of people who have contacted me.
The first Wave I joined "Hi" showed promise - the participants are an international group of persons who actively use social media to enhance their hobby; there has been no activity on this list since October 25.
Tamura Jones started a most informative and successful private Genealogy Wave that contains a directory of Genealogists using Wave, links to other genealogy waves and resources about genealogy wave. Whenever I find a genealogist with a wave account I add them to Tamura's wave that is growing to be a fine resource.
The Public Genealogy Wave (Here is a public wave for any Wavers obsessed with Genealogy to discuss using G-Wave with Genealogy - or just to discuss Genealogy in general) is also shaping up to be a meeting place for genealogists around the world.
I set up a public wave - the Australian Genealogy and Family History Wave - a place where genealogists from downunder - with roots from all over the world can collaborate. Contributions from others with interests in Australian Genealogy are also most welcome. I see this Australian Genealogy and Family History wave as an umbrella wave from which we can link to other waves about Australian Genealogy eg State or Locality Based, Name Based, Society Based. It is hoped that we can have sections for those who can do Lookups/Offer Assistance, Lists of our favourite resources (both free and paid), News of Events.
My frustration with this Australian Genealogy Wave is that, at this early stage of the Google Wave rollout, there are too few genealogists with access to the Wave for this Wave with only eight members to be effective. I am pleased, however, with the structure of the Wave and can see it in the future as a valuable resource for genealogists in Australia. Now that I have eight Google Wave invitations to give out I hope to find more genealogists to join me there.
Penrith Exhibition
See the Council website for details of
The Makings of a City History Exhibition
Celebrating Penrith's 50th anniversary as a City
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Melbourne Class Next Week
How did they get here?
Our National Anthem reminds us that Australia "is girt by sea"; it is a big island not reachable by land from any other country.
As my ancestors were not able to walk on water they had to make the perilous journey to the land downunder by sea. Unfortunately a number of them had no say in the matter as they were banished to Australia for a range of petty crimes and the remainder came to escape poverty in Ireland.
As all of my ancestors had arrived in Australia by 1877 there are no photographic records of their journeys. I am therefore offering, as my contribution to "Smile for the Camera, 18th Edition - Travel" some pictures found on the internet of those ships on which my ancestors made the arduous journey to Australia.
Mary Kealy 1877 - Kapunda (Follow link for picture - cannot paste image due to copyright restrictions)
Richard Aspinall 1837- Bengal Merchant
I cannot find immigration details for some of my other ancestors but I presume they didn't swim. Unfortunately I cannot find pictures of the ships that brought the following ancestors to Australia in the 1800s. I will keep searching.
Patrick Curry - Hooghley
James Homer - Elizabeth I
Catherine Maxwell - Caroline
Ellen Moore - Mariner
Elizabeth Phipps - Wanstead
James Pusell - James Pattison
Denis Tierney and Eliza D'arcy - China
John Tucker - Hercules II
James Westbrook - Earl Spencer
This post was prepared for the Genealogy Carnival: Smile for the Camera, 18th Edition"Travel"
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
DearMYRTLE's Genealogy Blog: Legacy Cruise: NZ
DearMYRTLE's Genealogy Blog: Legacy Cruise: NZ & Australia Nov 2010
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Chinese Proverb
Monday, November 9, 2009
Copyright Questions - Australia
CAL (Copyright Agency Limited) has a list of FAQs on their website that might provide answers for Australian Genealogists. It must be remembered that this agency represents Australian copyright owners so the answers/advice may show that bias.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru - Trosedd a Chosb
Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru - Trosedd a Chosb
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Saturday, November 7, 2009
Geniaus - Day 365
Geniaus the blog was born.
Reprinted here is my first post from November 7, 2009
Why add yet another blog to the crowded blogosphere?
I thought I would like a place to share progress, reflections and resources as I solve my genealogical jigsaw so here goes - another blog is born.I've been researching the family on and off for the last 20 years and, with retirement looming, hope to finally get organised and solve some of my mysteries.
Twelve months down the track it is time for reflection.
My blog has evolved to become more of a resource sharing tool and a presence for Geniaus on the web. I have not blogged about every little bit of progress I have made as I don't really think that the genealogy community at large is interested in the minutiae of my research. Taking part in Genealogy Carnivals has given me an opportunity to tell some stories about my family.
I have tended to blog about my big news eg my new family website and about the tools I use. The blog allows me space to share my latest links from Delicious and my latest posts on Twitter.
On a personal level the blog has has documented my journey as I learn about my family, genealogy and appropriate tools to use. For this purpose alone it has been a worthwhile exercise.
A perusal of the Google Analytics for my site shows that I do not have a huge audience but there are a number of people who follow the blog. Around 1400 people have visited the blog 2500 times and looked at around 4000 pages. During the year people from 49 countries have visited the blog, around half of these visitors are from Australia. Initially the visitors were mostly from the US but over the year this has shifted so that, now most of the readers are from 26 cities in Australia, with Sydney having the most representation.
18.06%of the visits are from direct traffic, 59.98% are from referring sites such as Google , Blogger and other websites and 21.96% come via search engines. So quite a few people just happen across the site.
The Top 25 referring sites are listed below:
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google / organic
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The 25 pages attracting the most views are:
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It is interesting to note that the posts for Genealogy Carnivals attract a large number of hits.
Will the Geniaus blog be around to celebrate a second birthday?
I think it will. Without access to a reliable crystal ball I cannot make an accurate prediction. As new tools such as Google Wave and who-knows-what-else appear and enter the mainstream this blog might outlive its usefulness and my minds meanderings may move to a new more exciting and innovative platform.
And now to back up twelve months of Genaius posts for the future generations' family archives.....