Saturday, January 11, 2020

Accentuate the Positive Geneameme 2019 - The Responses

Although I have not had as many responses to the Geneameme Challenge this year as in earlier years the quality of the responses tells me that it is a worthwhile exercise. I owe a HUGE thank you to everyone who put their fingers to the keyboard for this exercise. A shoutout also goes to
these people Jonny Perl, Blaine Bettinger and this event DNA Downunder that got so many mentions in the responses.

Back in the day when I was a Teacher/Librarian we had a big push to teach Information Skills that could be applied to any task which the students undertook. These are life skills that can be applied to everything from making a peanut butter sandwich to breaking down a brickwall in a family tree. 

The Information Skills Process
It's interesting to note that not only schools have a commitment to information skills. A quick tour of Google found that many universities have information skills programs.

So often we genealogists are so keen to attend to the next task on our list that do not take the time for step 6 ie to assess or reflect on our work. If we do not take time then we may continue to repeat our mistakes. Now I will step off my soapbox and share the reflections of those committed genies who took up my challenge.

Alex Daw

Bobbie Edes




Janelle Collins

Janice Sellers


Jill Ball


Kirsty Gray

Lilian Magill

Linda Stufflebean

Lisa Gorrell

Lois Willis

M. Diane Rogers

Maureen Trotter

Megan Franklin

Pauleen Cass

Randy Seaver

Robbie Stockfeld

Samantha John

Shauna Hicks

Vorfahrensucher @kafeldu Tweeted her responses.

Sincere apologies if I have missed anyone. Please let me know and I will add further responses here.


Shauna Hicks said...

Thanks for listing me Jill but I think you have put Alex's link instead of mine.

Shauna Hicks said...

On a second look it might be that Kirsty's link is wrong too.

GeniAus said...

Thanks Shauna. Will fix


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