Thursday, January 9, 2020

Accentuate the Positive Geneameme 2019 - from Genimate Maureen

My genimate, Maureen Trotter, whom I first met on an Unlock the Past cruise several years ago, took up my offer to send her geneameme responses to me for posting on this blog. I thank Maureen for her support and thoughtful responses.

Should you wish to send me your responses I will be happy to post them here too. See


1.  An elusive ancestor I found was - the missing quarter of my ancestry

3.  A geneajourney I took was – to South Gippsland taking a DNA test to my 92 year old Aunt

4.  important record – I am in the midst of locating lots about my “new” family

5.  A newly found family member shared
·    lots of 2nd cousins sharing their DNA results (and some trees) made identifying my paternal grandfather’s family much easier. It was one of the neighbours!
·       a 3C2R living in Dublin shared a copy of the 1841 Census of Coatbridge (near Glasgow) which showed his great grandmother was living with her sister, my great great great grandmother and her family on Census night.

6.  A geneasurprise I received was – the surname was not what we had been told!

8.   I made new genimates who – share my passion for using DNA analysis to learn more about our ancestors

9.  A new piece of technology or skill I mastered was – lots this year, mostly DNA related!  Next steps include trying some of the more recent possibilities for Genetic Affairs clustering and finally starting DNA Painter itself. Visual Phasing sounds like a wonderful challenge for a bit further down the track.

10. I joined – the GSV DNA Genetic Genealogy Study Group and lots of Facebook DNA groups

11. A genealogy education session or event from which I learnt something new was – the 4 days of DNA Down Under

12. A blog post that taught me something new was – just about everything by Blaine Bettinger, Roberta Estes, Dana Leeds, Yvette Hoitink, and many others

13. A DNA discovery I made was - a very distant DNA match with genimate & Facebook friend Janelle.

14. I taught a genimate how to – in the 6 months since my first DNA test results arrived, I have helped many people with analysing and clustering their DNA results and using the WATO tool more effectively.

15. A brick wall I demolished was -not quite demolished yet, but my grandfather has to have been one of two brothers!

16. A great site I visited was – the DNA Painter site has been incredibly valuable to me in sorting out my DNA results. If you haven’t used the Shared cM Project or WATO yet, you should!

17. A new genealogy/history book I enjoyed was – “Genetic Genealogy in Practice” and “Advanced Genetic Genealogy”.

18. It was exciting to finally meet – a couple of my “new” cousins

19. I am excited for 2020 because – my sister and I are planning a trip to parts of Scotland that our newly discovered ancestors came from.

20. Another positive I would like to share is – how wonderful it is to be retired, with good health and sufficient income to be able to delve into a range of hobbies and interests, go on the occasional trip and still have time and energy to help family and community groups.


Linda Stufflebean said...

Maureen, Congratulations on all your family finds this year. I have to echo your answer to #20. I, too, am very thankful for good health, the means to somewhat indulge my genealogy obsession and the ability to give something back to our very generous genealogy world community.

Cassmob (Pauleen) said...

Sounds like a great year Maureen with lots of discoveries and more to come in 2020.

Shauna Hicks said...

We seem to have had the same kind of year Maureen DNA certainly solves some family secrets


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