Each week American family historan and geneablogger, Jana Iverson Last, publishes as a Follow Friday activity a list of Fab Finds consisting of blog posts she sees as worthy of mention. Randy Seaver, a genealogist and geneablogger from San Diego publishes a similar list, Best of the Genea-Blogs.
While liists such as these are subjective they are most valuable in directing those interested in reading and learning about family history to interesting and topical posts.
To be recognised by one's peers in such a list is always an honour, I get such a buzz when one of my posts is selected. While I don't blg for accolades I am trilled to be recognised. Added advantagesare that new readers are directed to my blog and Australian geneablogging exposed to the world as a result of these shoutouts.
Yesterday Jana left this comment on one of my blog posts:
I want to let you know that two of your blog posts are listed in today's Fab Finds post at http://janasgenealogyandfamilyhistory.blogspot.com/2014/06/follow-friday-fab-finds-for-june-27-2014.html
Needless to say that I was overwhelmed to find that two of my posts, Thinking of 9/11 AND In Praise of Indexes, were included in this weeks Fab Finds from Jana.
Thank you Jana for this honour and thank you for all the time and effort you put into your Fab Finds posts.
While liists such as these are subjective they are most valuable in directing those interested in reading and learning about family history to interesting and topical posts.
To be recognised by one's peers in such a list is always an honour, I get such a buzz when one of my posts is selected. While I don't blg for accolades I am trilled to be recognised. Added advantagesare that new readers are directed to my blog and Australian geneablogging exposed to the world as a result of these shoutouts.
Yesterday Jana left this comment on one of my blog posts:
I want to let you know that two of your blog posts are listed in today's Fab Finds post at http://
Needless to say that I was overwhelmed to find that two of my posts, Thinking of 9/11 AND In Praise of Indexes, were included in this weeks Fab Finds from Jana.
Thank you Jana for this honour and thank you for all the time and effort you put into your Fab Finds posts.