Sunday, February 28, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Readers in the Mist: Seniors Week at the Library
Readers in the Mist: Seniors Week at the Library
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Adding Treasure to the Trove
Just last night @HicksShauna tweeted 'Having such a good time on Historic Australian newspapers forgot the time & now after midnight'
I am a regular user of this site, the information found there adds some flavour to the rather dry facts in my family tree. I have found birth and death notices, sickly sweet in memoriums, saucy divorce proceedings and articles that give places and times to ancestors.
As Geniaus, a registered user of Trove, I can contribute to this wonderful resource. The
Users of Trove can correct lines of the OCR text. I recently edited this entry:
"WOODI1I VI) (nu Florence Gowans)-Februar) 15,
it War M.innnil Hospitil, Wnvcile), to Mr and Mrs
1-1, I Woiellieid, oí Burwood-j bon (Itomld Wil-
li jmj_"
WOODHEAD (nee Florence Gowans)-February 15,
At War Memorial Hospital, Waverley, to Mr and Mrs
Eric L. Woodhead, of Burwood-a son (Ronald Wil-
Now that this text has been corrected future searchers looking for Woodhead, War Memorial Hospital or Ronald William will be able to retrieve this article.
My contribution of 242 lines of corrected text is a drop in the ocean compared with the top five contributers:
1 | jhempenstall | 364,776 |
2 | John.F.Hall | 338,123 |
3 | fwalker13 | 303,797 |
4 | annmanley | 273,427 |
5 | maurielyn | 246,304 |
who between them have corrected around 1,500,000 lines of text.I am ranked at 1657 on the league table of users who have corrected lines.
I exhort those who use Trove to consider adding to the treasure there by correcting lines of text in articles you read.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Genealogy Insider - Announcing the Family Tree Magazine 40 Best Genealogy Blogs
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Congratulations to all of the nominated blogs. I am pleased to see that a couple of my favourites are in this list.
I enjoy reading Shades of the Departed and Footnote Maven by footnoteMaven. I enjoy Schelly Talalay Dardashti's Tracing the Tribe with its international coverage of Jewish Genealogy.
As someone with British Roots I particularly enjoy Scottish Genealogy News and Events by Chris Paton. With a bias towards Scotland and the UK but with a broader coverage this blog provides valuable news and information.
The list of top blogs is otherwise US centric. There may be others on the list that emanate from countries other than the US but I cannot readily identify them. Obviously it would be difficult, because of our small population base and short history, for an Australian blog that caters to a smaller interest base to make this list.
I wonder why there appear to be no other blogs from Europe and the UK (the lands of forefathers) on this list. Do people in these regions not read Family Tree Magazine's blog? Is genealogy blogging not popular in these regions?
Next year I will nominate Ancestors Magazine (from the National Archives - UK, The Wandering Genealogist from Sussex and The Professional Descendant from Edinburgh to the selection and a couple of Aussie contenders too.
Will you join me in adding some international flavour to the list of 40 top blogs in 2010?
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Hawkesbury on the NET
As someone wi
Just today on the AUS-NSW-HILLS-HAWKESBURY-HUNTER-VALLEY- Roostweb list Michelle Nichols announced
" We have recently transcribed a list of nearly 400 electors in the Electoral District of the Hawkesbury. The men nominated Richard William Piddington (1815-1887) to represent them in Parliament."
This list can be found in a collection at
If you have a connection with the Hawkesbury area this site is well worth a visit.
Monday, February 22, 2010
TMG Users' Group Melbourne
Melbourne Australia, The Master Genealogist Users Group, (TMG)
The next meeting of the above TMG Users Group will be held 24th February
Date: Wednesday, 24th February 2010.
Time: 7:30pm
Place: Private house. Ashwood area.
Email: for details how to get there.
Beginners to advanced welcome. If you are having a problem bring a backup or
your laptop and we will try to help you.
Elizabeth Phipps
My great.great.great.grandmother, Elizabeth Phipps (c.1792-1869), was quite a girl - a convicted felon, she bore at least ten children (their paternity is hard to identify) by James Westbrook and William Magick?) and, in 1834, married William Magick a much older man who reputedly lived to 108.
Elizabeth and William lived out their lives in March Street, Richmond, New South Wales.
Elizabeth, daughter of Edmund Phipps and Susannah Harris, arrived in Australia on Wanstead on January 9th 1814 having been convicted with James Westbrook and transported for life. A transccript of their trial can be found at the Old Bailey Site. Her first assignment was to Mr. Cox at Windsor. She had gained her freedom by 1822.
I have located details for 1,600+ direct descendants of Elizabeth and would be thrilled to hear from more.
Family memory making: Matching heirlooms with stories
Cost: $120 for two family members to attend both workshops.
Saturday 27 February (Workshop 1)
Saturday 27 March (Workshop 2)
Bookings essential on

Friends Lounge
Taneya’s Genealogy Blog » Portable Hand Scanner
Taneya’s Genealogy Blog » Portable Hand Scanner
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Friday, February 19, 2010
Genealogy Blog - John, Bill And Tom Are Most Popular Names Of Past 170 Years - GeneaNet
Genealogy Blog - John, Bill And Tom Are Most Popular Names Of Past 170 Years - GeneaNet
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James the Clock

"James the Clock", as we affectionately know him, is James Gowans my husband's 3rd great-grandfather.
Born in 1806 in North Berwick James grew up to be a clockmaker in East Linton (1837-1850) and Galashiels, Scotland. Since we learnt of James' trade we have been anxious to find a clock made by him. Having an object crafted by James or his son James b. 1836 , my husband's 2nd great-grandfather, would add an extra dimension to our family history. James the clock's first son, John Gowans b 1832 who emigrated to the United States was also a watchmaker .
We started searching the internet for a Gowans clock around

We would have loved to see this clock "in the flesh" on a visit to the UK but had to content ourselves with photos. Just today I paid another 99p and went back to this website to check on James' entry that had been updated in 2009, I found an inaccurate and unsourced biographical entry. I was most disappointed and sent an email off to the site.
Not long before setting out on an excursion to the UK in early 2006 a Gowans ancestor contacted us through the Genes Reunited site. After a flurry of emails in which we

We had a wonderful visit with my husband's 3rd cousin (1 time removed) in his charming cottage in the English countryside. We have established a friendship with him and have subsequently stayed with him on another visit. As well as the clock and bible this cousin had a photo of an elderly James the Clock (above) as well as letters and documents from later generations. Oh, to have spinster aunts who live into their nineties and are bowerbirds to boot.
We have continued to scour the internet and have made contact with clock dealers on three continents in the hope of sourcing a Gowans clock. We regularly scour auction sites in the UK. Our English cousin has been on the lookout for us and helpfully placed an advertisement in an English clock magazine. We have yet to find a clock for sale.
Early this week I did another series of searches for Gowans clocks and got a new hit. This Gowans clock is in Australia at Museum Victoria; it is only 1,000 miles away. We immediately sent off an email to the Museum outlining our relationship to the clock's maker and asking if it would be possible to view it.
I was so excited to get a response from the Museum this morning thanking me for the biographical information supplied and indicating that we may be able to visit the clock at a time to be arranged. When I have photos of this new clock I will post them on my family history website and this blog. This news will make my husband's day.
I won't give up day our clock will come.
The Clock Monkey: Author Interview: Chrissie Michaels (Aussie Month Post)
The Clock Monkey: Author Interview: Chrissie Michaels (Aussie Month Post)
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Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Family History Research Muster « Mid North Coast Library Service
Family History Research Muster « Mid North Coast Library Service
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Monday, February 15, 2010
On the united colours of Bennett | The Australian
On the united colours of Bennett | The Australian
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The Third Annual iGene Awards, The Best of The Best!
- Best Picture - Best old family photo that appeared on your blog in 2009. Tell us which you liked best and why.
- Best Screen Play - Which family story that you shared in 2009 would make the best movie? Who would you cast as your family members?
Tina, Anne, Jackie, Gabrielle and myself were in each of those three photos. The life stories of these five women would make an excellent mini-series or docudrama. Between us we have been married, widowed or remained single, had no children or large families. Three were teachers as that was one of the few professions easily accessible to women in the late sixties. We have maintained the faith or turned our backs on the Church, we have lived in the city and the outback. We have been mature students changing careers in mid-life or have stayed in the one job for the duration of our working lives.
With the help of lighting, makeup and filters the girls have what it takes to play themselves in this series.
The real life stories of my classmates would show that Vinnie's girls are not Desperate Houswives but that each is a "Woman of Substance".
- Best Documentary - Which was the best informational article you wrote about a place, thing, or event involving your family's history in 2009?
- Best Biography - Which was the best biographical article you wrote in 2009?
- Best Comedy - Which was the best funny story, poem, joke, photo, or video that you shared on your blog in 2009?
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Time to nominate ancestors | Northern Rivers News | Local News in Northern Rivers | Clarence Valley Daily Examiner
Time to nominate ancestors | Northern Rivers News | Local News in Northern Rivers | Clarence Valley Daily Examiner
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Monday, February 8, 2010
The women of the Edgeworth David Family
Jenny Horsfield -The women of the Edgeworth David Family Hornsby Library will be hosting a talk on the women of the Edgeworth David Family. From educating a Fijian princess to knitting hundreds of woollen socks for servicemen during World War II, from providing medical assistance to Tuvalu islanders to offering Miles Franklin advice on her shortcomings as a writer, Lady Cara David, wife of Sir Edgeworth David, was arguably one of Hornsby Shire’s most influential women. In 1907 David observed, "Whatever success I may have achieved in life, is die chiefly to my wife". The talk will also focus upon Cara's children Margaret and Mary. Margaret was a community worker and politician and Mary an author. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Sessions will be held at Hornsby Library at the following times. | |
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Saturday, February 6, 2010
Charles Darwin's genetic history unlocked by DNA project - Telegraph
Charles Darwin's great-great grandson is an Aussie
Charles Darwin's genetic history unlocked by DNA project - Telegraph
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Friday, February 5, 2010
New England, Australia: Inverell District Family History Group reorganises after fire disaster
New England, Australia: Inverell District Family History Group reorganises after fire disaster
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Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Clan Maclean Chief’s Visit – Scots of Australia
Clan Maclean Chief’s Visit – Scots of Australia
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Monday, February 1, 2010
Rate Books
Rate Books
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February 1st
Perusing today, February 1, I see that Emily Jane Pusell, my great-great aunt, was married in 1885 in Binda, NSW to Thomas Parsons. I know nothing of the Parsons branch other than having recollections of my grandmother talking about her cousin Siddy Parsons.
As today's task I am going to spend an hour or two seeing if I can dig up any further information on Emily and her descendants.
Blog Content - Peaks and Troughs
These items do not come in a steady stream so somtimes there is a peak and sometimes a trough. It's trough time now, in the thousand odd bits I've read in the past few days there has been nothing that I am inclined to share.
I am still on the lookout and when a peak looms I will share the information/news I find.