Saturday, July 13, 2024

Much needed help coming my way

This blog has taken a back seat while I was out of the country in May and June. As part of our holiday we took a five day BackRoads tour of the WW1 Battlefields. This was our second such tour but it was superior to the last one we took. With its focus on Australian involvement in the conflict it was a wonderful learning experience that gave us much insight to the bravery and sacrifices young people and their families back home.

Since arriving home I have been sorting our travel photos, working on my family history and one-place study and hosting and attending a few genealogy events.

I was thrilled to see a notification from Wikitree appear on Facebook this week about an event that will have a focus on my family. A few months age I was invited by the genies at Wikitree to be a participant in one of their 2024 Wikitree Challenges, I sat on this information until I saw the announcement. 

Announcement from Wikitree

I am a little apprehensive as my Wikitree has been suffering from a lack of nourishment. It is not my main tree and does not include all the distant cousins I have in that tree on my laptop. 

A kind Australian Wikitreer looked over my tree yesterday, made a few cosmetic changes and fixed a few references. I'm grateful for her arboreal efforts. I am extremely pleased to have been chosen for this challenge and look forward to seeing what the volunteers dig up. Meanwhile I will make sure I have included the recently deceased and a few extra aunts and uncles on my tree.

I think that I am the first Australian who has been a focus of this challenge so, as well as helping me find cousins, the volunteers on my case will have an opportunity to use Australian records and learn about genealogy downunder. 

Roll on July 25.

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