As I had enjoyed the earlier books in the series I responded with an enthusiastic "YES Please."
My recent health problems have robbed me of the concentration needed to read books. I have started and not followed through with quite a few. This book was just the tonic I needed.
With its cliffhanger chapter endings and twists and turns this tale kept me reading right up to the last page. That it was a genealogical mystery from World War 11 added to my interest.
Having read earlier books in the series I have become quite fond of genealogist, Morton Farrier, whose character is further developed in this tale. Following the relationship of Morton and his long suffering fiance, Juliette, adds an extra dimension to this series.
I enjoyed reading about the various real resources Morton used while researching Barbara Springett's ancestry and have added a few museums to my must visit list for my next trip to the UK. I was impressed that Morton used Ancestry DNA tests to confirm his traditional research. Of course Morton had more success in knocking down brickwalls than we ordinary genies have but The Spyglass File is a work of fiction.
While not a masterpiece The Spyglass File is competently written and engaged this reader right up to the last words. It is a page turner that provides a few hours amusement - just what I needed. This is not just a book for those interested in genealogy I think that any reader who is fond of a good mystery would enjoy this book .... and, if you're into genealogy, you will definitely enjoy it.
I hope that it's not long before I can read of Morton's next adventure.
This book is available in print and ebook format - scroll to the bottom of this page for details.
Jill we were discussing this on Mondays with Myrt this week as DearMYRTLE had also been given a copy. I am also a fan and am part way through the book having read all the previous ones.
I am off in a couple of weeks so should get a chance to finish it then if not before.
Just trying to decide what to read next. Maybe we need to do a book review once a month on Mondays with Myrt with suggestions from the panelists and viewers. I know it is at the wrong time of day for Australians but maybe some of you could make some suggestions in advance.
Thanks Jill...will add it to my reading list. I've enjoyed his others.
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