Friday, May 1, 2015

GAGs - GeniAus' Gems - 1 May 2015

Greetings Genimates.

This week has been an important week in Australian history as we celebrated last Saturday, 25th April, the centenary of the landing at Gallipoli, Turkey early n World War 1. Australian geneabloggers commemorate thier family members and other brave ANZACS in a swag of blog posts about our fighting men. I  cannot single out any post as outstanding, they were all magnificent tributes.

I must mention four Australian geneabloggers who have distinguished themselves in the April A-Z blogging challenge. Congratulations Helen Connor, Jennifer Jones, Judy Lofthouse and Anne Young for completing the challenge.

This mroning a post from Susan Petersen, one of my genimates in the US, appeared in my feed. This is one of the best posts I have read in a long time and is at the top of my must read posts this week.

1. Whether you are a member of a genealogy society or not you must read Susan's post.

2.  For those who need help to tame Twitter

3. Mosman Council gives us some tips as Privacy Week approaches

4. Shauna's post on Unit Histories is timely

5. Shelley is doing amazing work with Family Historian Plugins.

6. Because genies are fascinated by trees and branches

7. Nola dips into the Parish Chest

8.  FromPhD to book - a long journey

9.  Alona relates how a small town recognises ANZAC Day

10.  From SLNSW for those with sporting ancestors


Anne Young said...

Thanks for the mention Jill and for the introduction to some other A to Z ing Geneabloggers.

Shauna Hicks said...

Thanks Jill for the mention - your links for 1 and 2 are not quite right - I'm one of the ones needing help to tame Twitter!

Anonymous said...

Susan Petersen's piece on societies is worth societies considering their positions and adapting to the changes in how people want to communicate.

Anne Young said...

I second Shauna's request - I would really like to read the post on taming twitter but the link is not correct

GeniAus said...

Shauna and Anne - thanks for being observant. I have amended the links. the twitter article is at


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