Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Fools rush in....

So I've scheduled an all day GeneaGala Hangout on Air during National Family History Month on August 30 here in Australia. It sounded like a good idea but now it's listed on the NFHM website I'm wondering how I will pull it off.

You are all invited to take centre stage on the panel and share a favourite resource or software application, promote your society, share your geneatriumphs or ask a question of those on line. Those who are super shy might consider joining the panel as observers and others may decide to watch from within the GeniAus Community or via Youtube.

At the moment I am planning 4 x 3 hour Hangouts running one after the other from 9:00 am to 9:00pm Sydney time (that's 11pm UTC 29 August to 11am UTC 30 August). That should enable my friends in the US and UK to join in at some stage. I won't be trying to match DearMYRTLE's effort with the 24 hour geneasleepover last year.

I will set up a shared spreadsheet in Google Docs where I'll put up a program for the day. I will ask my genimates to take a look and nominate a time when they will take the stage. I will be contacting some of you by email, the GeniAus Community on Google+ or some other means in an effort to twist your arms! 

While I am sure that I could talk non-stop for 12 hours, this event will be a flop if it is a solo performance by GeniAus. 

Please save the date and plan to join in.


Anne Young said...

oh boy - 12 hours is definitely a lot :) Happy to help Jill - I have put it in the diary. Are you going to have different themes for each of the sessions?

Helen V Smith said...

I would have loved to help but will be in the US on the 30th somewhere on the sea near Alaska. However I could potentially send some information to be shared or maybe a small powerpoint?

GeniAus said...

Anne, Early days yet - I'm just knocking up a timetable. I'm open to suggestions. I will put out a blog post with ideas shortly.

Thanks, Helen. I'll add your offer to my list.

Unknown said...

hi there its in my diary
the answer is yes so far., with a possible out for lunch that day

DearMYRTLE said...

+Cousin Russ and will be at the ready. Just entering the date. You can plug me into available time spots as necessary.

Rel@ively, Patrice said...

I'll add it to my calendar. Glad to help from the US If I can.

Cassmob (Pauleen) said...

Foolish but fun! Count me in.

GeniAus said...

This is amazing. I'm noting all your offers on my spreadhseet. You're on my radar now.

Alex Daw said...

Hello lovely Jill - I'm on duty at the QFHS that afternoon so I'll say I'm up for the morning. I'd love to do a live cross to the library and show you the resources but unless i get my hands on a fancy iPad before then (with a camera) it won't be happening ;) either that or in the evening....

Tessa Keough said...

Ah Jill - sounds like a crazy fun idea! And with all that time available, there has to be something that fits in with the USA time-zones. Go ahead and mark me down to help in the effort.

Shauna Hicks said...

Thanks Jill for this great idea for NFHM -not sure where I will be on 30 August as I am usually busy giving talks throughout NFHM - but it is in the diary and I will know more closer to the event.

GeniAus said...

It is crazy Tessa but with help from all my genimates it will be fun.

Shauna I know you will be snowed under - I would love you to open the hangout but understand that it may not be possible.

Anonymous said...

Jill, If you can be brave enough to go for 12 hours I will look at something I can do to help. Not sure what however it will be a great challenge for me to go for. Fran

Caitie G said...

Oooo it's a Sunday! I'm definitely keen! :D

Caitie G said...
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Fiona Tellesson said...

Happy to help out in any way. Let me know how I can assist you.

Kindest regards!


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