Friday, January 27, 2017

GAGs - GeniAus Gems - 27 January 2017

Yesterday, Australia Day, I spent most of my time setting up profiles on FTDNA and Gedmatch for three fab family members who took DNA tests for me.
In the evening we celebrated Australia Day with some of the family. We enjoyed a Barbie by the pool and then, in the cool of the evening, the more energetic took to the tennis court for a set or two while the kids happily played on their bikes and scooters.

I feel quite guilty that I didn't write an Australia Day post so I am going to fill this post with links to posts with an Australia Day theme written by mates I follow in my RSS feed reader .

1. A verse from Chris.

2. The Clan MacFarlane Society.

3. Pauleen reflects on her immigrant ancestors.

4. Alona remembers the Hannafords.

5. The Australian National Maritime Museum.

6. Australian Cuisine from the Cook and the Curator.

7. James O'Brien spent the day in Parramatta.

8. The Australia Day Awardees in Hornsby Shire include Genealogist, Carol Liston.

It's a short list this year probably because no-one organised a blogging event. I promise that I will coordinate an Australia Day Geneameme in 2018.


Crissouli said...

Thanks for the mention...

Anne Young said...

Thanks for the summary. I didn't post this Australia Day, in part because I was busy researching DNA connections and in part because of a sense of ambivalence about the day and it's celebrations.


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