How will this affect Australian genealogists? Will we let it sail by or will we embrace NYR 2012 and become unofficial ambassadors for reading. As a former librarian I want to recognise and support this endeavour.
I notice that "Inside History" Magazine has an article about the event in Issue 8 but, as I haven't yet read the article, I'm not aware of its content. Their teaser says "We celebrate 2012 as the National Year of Reading by asking: what’s your favourite history book?"
A fave kids' author of mine, Hazel Edwards who is also an avid genealogist and genealogy author is also a National Ambassador.
So what can we genealogists do to recognise the National Year of Reading?
Here are some of my thoughts:
- Review your favourite genealogy books on your blog
- Mention NYR in blogs and other social media
- Form an online genealogy book group
- Donate a genealogy book to your local library or family history society
- Have a genealogy book 'show and tell' session at your local genealogy society meeting
- Maintain a genealogy reading log - either online at Librarything or in a journal
- Invite a local librarian to be a guest speaker at your genealogy society
- Write an article about how reading helped you knock down a genealogy brick wall
- Create a geneameme about reading and genealogy
- Have some read aloud sessions of children's books from yesteryear at your local genealogy society
- Write that genealogy book that's been evolving inside you
- Offer to mount a display of genealogy books at your local library
- Compile and publish online or elsewhere a list of your genealogy top ten books
- Invite aNYR National Ambassador to your genealogy society meeting
What can you suggest?
Great post...off to do some thinking. Will definitely post abot some genie books (did some in 2011 too>
Some great ideas. While I'm in the US, I've started reviewing some genealogy books on my blog and plan to post a review per month through the coming year as well.
Some fantastic ideas here. You've given me much to think about for future blogs. Thanks.
I've set up a tumblr for NYR12 that you might be interested to see http://justmybooks.tumblr.com/
Great ideas – I’m going to Tweet about your blog.
Dear Jill
Great blog - I'm working my way through the Queensland shortlist - and so far really enjoyed Ian Townsend's Affection and valued Chloe Hooper's The Tall Man - though of course the subject matter was very tough. I like the suggestion to review genealogy books read and/or talk about how reading helped you break through barriers.
Excellent suggestions. I've already donated books, written genealogy books, and put a 'recommended reading' list on my Web site, but I am keen to read more genealogy and history books, and then to write about them. Any suggestions on how to get a 30-hour day?! ;-)
I love the idea of the online bookclub with the monthly themes and then discussing via the twitter hashtag. The monthly themes are broad and I think our local and family history reading fits in well with these. Themes include: The Amazing Read, Laugh, Think, Feel, Escape, Dream, Discover, Question, Grow, Explore, Cry, Love2read
Visit: http://love2read2012.wordpress.com/monthly-themes/
My Library service enables users to add content on the website including adding comments to books and creating lists. There are already genealogy lists there but researchers are encouraged to add their own lists and "recommended reading" - www.yprl.vic.gov.au
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