Friday, September 10, 2010

Follow Friday - Australian FamilySites

A popular Geneabloggers blogging theme is "Follow Friday" in which bloggers "simply create a post in which you recommend another genealogy blogger, a specific blog post, a genealogy website or a genealogy resource."

I was rather chuffed last Friday when Judy Webster nominated my blog in her post.

I have been toying with blogging about and highlighting some sites where Australians have placed their family trees on the web. There are some fantastic sites around that probably don't get any recognition. I will endeavour to show some of these through a series of Follow Friday posts.

Those who are considering placing their family trees on the web might find guidance on what to do and what not to do from this series of posts. As I have several hundred sites bookmarked on Delicious it won't be an onerous task to find some. I want to show the good, the bad and the ugly; the workhorses and show ponies.

I will develop a basic rubric against which to measure the sites so that I will have a consistent approach. I just need to learn how to insert a table into blogger! Hopefully, in a few hours time, I will have made my maiden "Follow Friday"  Australian Familysite post.

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