Monday, September 13, 2010

52 Suburbs

When I look at my blog statistics I notice that, whilst Australians are the biggest group that visit my pages, around half of my readers drop by from other countries, mostly the US and UK but also including  South Korea, Netherlands, China, Denmark and Russia.
Centrepoint Tower

As a very proud Aussie I have been wanting to show readers what a diverse and beautiful international city Sydney is. I have trawled Youtube for a video to post but nothing seems suitable; the videos are mostly short and superficial ones that show tourist destinations and portray an artificial lifestyle.

I have recently been following the 52 Suburbs blog, in which blogger Louise posts a weekly photographic portrait of one of Sydney's suburbs. She says "My name is Louise. I've lived in Sydney for over 30 years but have never set foot in most of its 600 plus suburbs. Now I'm on a mission to explore and photograph one new Sydney suburb a week for a year in search of the beauty in the 'burb."

Louise's blog has a focus on the people she finds in the burbs and highlights many of the interesting individuals who breathe life into our beautiful city.

Louise has presently published 48 suburb portraits; the post on Dural is the closest geographically to my home on Sydney's semi-rural northern outskirts. This visit took place on ANZAC Day and records the activities on this most important Australian day of Remembrance.


Readers, if you take a look at a few pages of the 52 Suburbs blog you will get a non-tourists view of Sydney through the eyes of another proud Aussie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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