Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Blog of the Year Award

Many thanks to Catherine of Seeking Susan ~ Meeting Marie ~ Finding Family for nominating the Geniaus blog for the“Blog of the Year 2012 Award”.  Catherine wrote to me "Thankyou so much Jill for sharing so much knowledge and info... especially of the technological kind. As well as the daily E-News. It therefore gives me much pleasure to nominate you for the "Blog of the Year 2012" which Pauleen gifted to me."
Getting recognition from one's peers is special; thank you Catherine for your nomination of Geniaus  I am humbled and thrilled. 
Catherine nominated some of my favourite blogs as well as some I didn't know. You can see the full list here.
Nominating blogs for this award is difficult as there are so many fabulous ones out there in the blogisphere. My five nominations for today ( I make no apologies for the Australian bias) are:

The ‘rules’ for this award are simple:
1. Select the blog(s) you think deserve the ‘Blog of the Year 2012’ Award
2. Write a blog post and tell us about the blog(s) you have chosen – there’s no minimum or maximum number of blogs required – and ‘present’ them with their award.
3. Please include a link back to this page ‘Blog of the Year 2012’ Award –http://thethoughtpalette.co.uk/our-awards/blog-of-the-year-2012-award/ and include these ‘rules’ in your post (please don’t alter the rules or the badges!)
4. Let the blog(s) you have chosen know that you have given them this award and share the ‘rules’ with them
5. If you choose, you can now join our Facebook group – click ‘like’ on this page ‘Blog of the Year 2012’ Award Facebook group and then you can share your blog with an even wider audience
6. As a winner of the award – please add a link back to the blog that presented you with the award – and then proudly display the award on your blog and sidebar … and start collecting stars… For further information on collecting stars, just click on the link provided in Rule 3.


Shauna Hicks said...

Many thanks for this nomination Jill, I am truly honoured and thank you for all your comments over the year.

Judy Webster said...

Thank you for the nomination! I will follow up on this when I get a spare moment. There is such a wonderful response to Joan's family's request for people to pay tribute to her by supporting Kiva, that (as project coordinator and team captain) I am being kept very busy with administrative tasks due to all the new members. And on a personal level, we are facing a potential bushfire threat at our 'bush' home tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Great choices Jill and Congratulations to all for an Award which is so richly deserved. Regards, Catherine.

Merron Riddiford said...

Hi Jill. I too have nomintated you for Blog of the Year 2012 http://mywdfamilies.wordpress.com/2013/01/11/blog-of-the-year-award-2012/

A O'Brien said...

Hi Jill, I have also nominated you for the Blog of the Year 2012 award http://ausgenjourneys.blogspot.com.au/2013/01/blog-of-year-2012-award.html

Vicky said...

This is cool!


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