Thursday, March 24, 2016

Ancestors by place of birth

My genimate, J Paul Hawthorne, posted a cool pedigree chart he had done in Excel on Facebook several hours ago and since that time my Facebook stream has been overtaken with genies following Paul's lead.

Here is my five generation pedigree chart by place of birth of my ancestors.

I was wondering how to set this up in Excel when Judy G Russell posted these instructions on Facebook " I just copied the format using Excel. First cell is rows 11-21, then five rows up and down for column 2, 3 rows up and down for column 3 and one up and down each for columns 4 and 5." With Judy's instructions compiling the list was a piece of cake.

Thanks Paul and Judy - it was a fun activity.


GeniAus said...

Two DNA tests confirm my green status.

Kerryn Taylor said...

Great idea. I must give it a try. The instructions will be helpful.

Kerryn Taylor said...

Great idea. I must give it a try. The instructions will be helpful.

Sharon said...

I did try this but frankly, five generation for me is a little boring; only 2 countries: Australia & Egypt. I need to go back another couple of generations before it starts to get interesting.

Sharon said...

An interesting activity, which I have done myself too. DNA has assisted me to confirm that an "Unknown" father was very likely Irish........but I don't think that I will ever find him!

GeniAus said...

Two DNA tests confirm my green status.


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