Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Six Years and Going Strong

On Wednesday 5 November 2008 in my first post on this blog entitled : Why add yet another blog to the crowded blogisphere? I wrote:
"I thought I would like a place to share progress, reflections and resources as I solve  my genealogical jigsaw so here goes - another blog is born.

I've been researching the family on and off for the last 20 years and, with retirement looming, hope to finally get organised anad solve some of my mysteries."

The crowded blogisphere, was I kidding? I had been blogging in another realm for a few years in an area where blogging had taken of.There were very few geneablogs around when I penned my first post and I could count the number of Australian geneablogs on my  fingers. I now follow several hundred geneablogs and every week I come across a previously unknown (to me) blog. The growth over the past six years has been exponential.

With some of my geneablogging mates February 2014
So what have I done?

  • I have published about 2070 posts, reported on my progress, reflected on my practice and shared resources. 
  • I've also proffered an opinion or two.
  • I have solved a few small parts of my jigsaw but there is more to do.
  • I am slightly better organised than I was six years ago.
  • I have connected with previously unknown and lost cousins and shared stories and resources.
  • Through the world of geneablogging I have made several good friends and many great contacts.
  • I have learnt a lot about blogging, genealogy, technology and social media.
  • I have experimented with geneavlogging.
  • I have been blessed with many opportunities to share my skills and knowledge in lectures, workshops and journal articles.
  • A highlight was being appointed as an Official Blogger to the first and all subsequent Rootstech Conferences in Salt Lake City.
  • I have been honoured to be given some awards by fellow bloggers.
  • I have not been idle in retirement, I make not make much money but money could not buy the rewards I have reaped through my geneablogging habit.
  • I have started a few other blogs and let them languish but the GeniAus blog is here for the long haul.
I look forward to the next six years as I grow with GeniAus.


Kerryn Taylor said...

Wow, six years, how wonderful. Congratulations and Happy Blogiversary Jill!

Anonymous said...

The genealogy blogosphere is never too crowded - especially when there are blogs like GeniAus. Congratulations on your sixth anniversary. Your "down under perspective" has given us lots of interesting reads and fresh ideas. I hope to see lots more posts pop up in my reader.

Alona Tester said...

Wow, super duper congrats. Here's to the next six years of posts! You did leave one thing off your list of achievements, and that is that you have inspired and helped so many others get started blogging! If there wasn't someone out there to sing the praises of it, the great blogging explosion that we're currently seeing in Australia probably wouldn't have happened, or not at the current rate anyway.

Unknown said...

Happy sixth blogiversary! You're a genie star.

Jana Iverson Last said...

Congratulations and Happy 6th Blogiversary!! Such a wonderful accomplishment Jill!

Shauna Hicks said...

Congrats on the anniversary. Always look forward to reading your posts

Unknown said...

Well done Jill, you certainly have encouraged and inspired me and many others!


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