Saturday, May 9, 2015

Living in the 21st Century

Susan Petersen prompted a lot of discussion on Social Media with her timely post "An open letter to genealogy societies." DearMYRTLE followed this up in a recent Google Hangout on Air

Something came through my email box this week that reminded me that all is not Doom and Gloom. There are some societies that are firmly entrenched in the 21st century. 

It was a reminder that the latest issue of The Surname Scribbler was in the Members' section of  The Surname Society for members to read and download. The Surname Society, which was founded in 2014 as a not-for-profit entity by a worldwide group of experienced genealogists, is an online society with members all around the globe. In addition to the online newsletter the Members' Area hosts all sorts of files like Job Descriptions, an Archive facility for Members' posts, a Membership list, The School of Surnames and Chat forums.  For face to face communication the Society uses Google Hangouts on Air.This model could be adopted by societies that have a physical home. 

Surname Scribbler Contents

But let's get back to The Surname Scribbler. I downloaded the 17 page issue to my hard drive to read at my leisure. It was exciting to see my first regular (lighthearted) column, GeniAus' Gens, amongst the informative posts there. Thanks to the Society organisers for inviting me to write a regular column. 

Why GeniAus' Gens?  I found the word “gen” at To “gen someone up” is “to provide someone with information”. As I propose to share information and, Gen is related to Genealogy, I thought “ GeniAus Gens” would fit the bill.

I'm proud to be a member of this  21st century group.


Anonymous said...

With living in Australia I think it is great when these digitally based groups start up overseas as we get access to more resources and link up with fellow genies on so many more levels. Congratulations your piece in their newsletter too.

GeniAus said...

Thanks Fran. The internet has certainly smashed down borders for us.


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