Monday, March 4, 2013

Responses to A Small Social Media Geneameme

So far I haven't been overwhelmed by responses to my latest Geneaeme but the responses received have been pure gold. Thank you to those who have responded to the meme - so far it looks as though blogging tools are the Favourite social media tool of respondents.

I will continue to add to this list as if responses trickle in. I'm sending a big thankyou to my blogging mate from California, Randy Seaver, who selected my geneameme for his Saturday Night Genealogy Fun activity this week. I had wondered why I had received contributions from bloggers who were previously unknown to me and then realised it was because of Randy's promotion of the activity.

PS - the number of posts is looking much healthier now (5/3/2013).

So here are the posts: 

AncestorChasing - Kerryn Taylor
Angler's Rest - Julie Goucher
Behold Genealogy Blog - Louis Kessler - in which Louis recounts his responses to the cruise panel activity that started this meme thing off.
Cassmob - Pauleen Cass - Also read the comments on Pauleen's post
Family Tree Frog - Alex Daw
Footsteps of the Past  - Kim Mills
Genea-Musings - Randy Seaver
Jax Trax - Jackie van Bergen
BooBook from the Backtracking Blog commented on Jackie's post "I'm with you Jackie. You've said it all. The only one I would add is Flickr for online photos - I've been scanning some of the old photos and putting them online for people to see and comment on. (Is that counted as social media?)"
Kylie's Genes - Kylie Willison
Lonetester - Alona Tester
My Tapley tree...and its branches - Liz Tapley
Seeking Susan - Meeting Marie - Finding Family -  Catherine Ann Crout-Habel
Twigs and Trees - Celia Lewis


Louis Kessler said...


I hope you'll be able to give us summarized results of all the answers, once the meme has percolated well.

I summarized my answers in my Unlock the Past Day 8 blog post: and for #8, just do it.


Unknown said...

Hey! This is pretty nice. Am going to put it in my favs and refer to you frequently!
Thanks so much!
LeAnn Knifer Atkin
administrator, FB Wyoming Genealogy Research


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