
Friday, October 4, 2019

Number 10 - the New Arrival

Various Scottish directories and census records told us that Mr GeniAus' ancestors James Gowans and his son James Gowans were clockmakers. Another son, John Gowans,who emigrated to the US, was also a clock and watchmaker in New York. The youngest son, William Gowans, was apprenticed as a watchmaker but left that profession to become a doctor. 

James Gowans Senior worked in Linton and Galashiels whilst James Junior worked in Hawick. Just one of the clocks, Number 8, was made in Hawick

It was not until we met and visited a new cousin in England in 2006 that we sighted a "Gowans" longcase clock. Once Mr GeniAus knew that there was a possibility of owning such an heirloom the hunt was on. He contacted several clock specialists in England and subscribed to a number of auction sites. Over the past 13 years we have learnt of 10 clocks made by one of the two James. (The numbered list below gives links to details and blog posts about these ten clocks).

 Last month there was much excitement when Clock Number 10, made in Linton, was delivered to our door. This clock will eventually be going to live with our elder daughter. 

Art, a restorer from Virginia,USA, who had bought clock 10 at an estate sale emailed me in July: 

"Jill--I was searching for information on James Gowans after purchasing one of his clocks at a local estate sale recently.  It is very close in appearance to the one you posted some time ago.  It is mahogany and the painted dial is very similar to the one in your pictures.  Right now I am in the process of restoring the movement (I am a clock restoration person, so it is good hands.)"

I passed Art's message on to Mr GeniAus and they corresponded back and forth. Of course, Mr GeniAus had to have the clock! Art accepted his offer and began to work on the restoration. During this time and up until the days after delivery Art was an excellent and caring communicator who sent along many progress reports and photos. I was outside with my camera when the delivery truck appeared with its precious cargo. We must commend DHL for the efficient handling and delivery of our cargo.

The delivery chaps had never delivered a heavy coffin shaped parcel before

Mr GeniAus smiling like a Cheshire cat as he prepared for the grand opening

Phew - there wasn't a body n the box

Such a pretty face

A Family Heirloom - over 150 years old and standing proud 

 Ten Gowans Clocks

1. In Clocks Magazine

2. Cousin's House now with us

3. Museum Melbourne. Visited November 2010

4. Our first Purchase  now with our younger son. Arrived November 2010.

5. Elder son's Clock

6. Drew in Omaha Nebraska bought his clock at an Estate Sale and restored it himself. Emailed August 2014

7. Mr GeniAus bid for a Gowans Regulator Clock at an online auction

8. Georg in Germany found me via this blog and wrote about his clock. "My father bought it in 1975 in an antiquesstore in Nordhorn, in northern Germany."  Email February 2017

9. Cousin's new clock was purchased at auction in England around 2017.

10. Our new clock was bought by a restorer in Virginia, USA at an Estate Sale. The restorer contacted me by email after reading my blog.


  1. Gosh, that is so beautiful. How wonderful to have so many examples of your ancestors' work.

  2. As I often say, it is worthwhile to blog. A great find.

  3. What a great story Jill! And such a beautiful future family heirloom. Regina

  4. Gosh Jill , that’s a wonderful story .

  5. Gorgeous clock! My grandfather was also a clockmaker.

  6. Fabulous story Jill. How wonderful to have tracked down a real “grandfather clock”.

  7. Thanks all for your comments, yes blogging or sharing your stories on social media certainly reaps rewards.

  8. Such an amazing heirloom, and it's spectacular as well. Awesome.


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