
Sunday, July 1, 2012

By the Skin of my Teeth

I just checked the clock and it is 20:37 Saturday (MDT) in Salt Lake City, UT, USA on 30 June 2012. Phew, I made it with over three hours to spare! 

Midnight is the time when proposals for Rootstech 2013 presentations close. It was a very close shave for me as I planned to do mine yesterday believing that I would be able to access the  Rootstech  site any time. After trying to gain access yesterday for five hours I went to bed not knowing if the site would be accessible this morning Australian time. Thankfully, when I woke, I was able to get into the site so I have spent the past couple of hours editing and submitting the ideas I had saved on a Google Doc.

My concerns were alleviated a little last night when Lisa Alzo posted on Facebook and Twitter that she was unable to access the Rootstech site; at least I knew that the problem was not with my computer. Thanks to Jonathon Auld who told me on Twitter that there was an outage in parts of the USA due to severe weather I realised that the problem was probably shared by more people than Lisa and me.

Now I have to sit and wait until I hear from The RootsTech 2013 Committee who said in a recent email "We have received some fantastic proposals and we are looking forward to our best conference yet!" I am hopeful that my proposal for an International Panel will be accepted as last year's panel was a huge success but I do not hold out much hope for the two proposals I have submitted that have an Australian focus. I had one crazy idea that will require a lot of work on my part; it will be just my luck for this one to be accepted.  I don't know if any other Australians have submitted proposals so I have my fingers crossed that I get at least one of my ideas accepted so that Australia has a presence on the Rootstech 2013 program.

If I am successful I may need to call on you, my readers, for help in preparing my talks.


  1. Well done Jill! Good luck. Look forward to hearing more.

  2. I can always help. Let me know if there is anything I can do.


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