Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Responses to the Accentuate the Positive 2024 Geneameme


I was blown away by the varied responses I received from the challenge that I posted last month. Now that the hubbub surrounding the holiday season has died down I am spending some time reading and absorbing the content shared by those who participated. 

Thanks all for your genearosity in supporting this activity at a busy time of the year. 

As I said last year "It warms my heart to see so many genies reflecting on their practice and realising that they have made progress during their geneayear. It is important to reflect/assess/evaluate our research and practices. "

I hope I haven't missed any contributions. If I have please let me know and I will add your link. If you fancy some reflection I'm always happy to receive new contributions as documents, in emails or in blog posts.

I learnt so much from reading the following. I hope you will too. 

Alex Daw

Anne Young

Bobbie Edes

Campaspe Genealogy

Carmel Galvin

Jennifer Jones

Karen Packard Rhodes

Lilian Magill

Linda Stufflebean

Michele Nichols

Pauleen Cass

Robyn Ford

Shauna Hicks

A last thought for you was included in Anne Young's response. 


Karen Packard Rhodes said...

Thank you so much for mentioning my blog post! This is a great geneameme; it prompts us to a positive turn of mind as we work on our particular bits of gratitude each new year.

Anonymous said...

Better late than never - here is my response Jill.

Linda Stufflebean said...

Thank you for hosting this again this year. I look forward to it.


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