Sunday, July 31, 2016


As an Australian genie I look forward to August each year because that's when we celebrate National Family History Month.

I try to make sure that I am not off travelling overseas so that I can take part in as many activities as I can. I am joining in the Blogging Challenge organised by geneablogger Alex Daw. I haven't scheduled a Google Hangout for NFHM but I may still do so.

At my Local Family History Group at Hornsby we are having two events a Geneagala Day and a visit from Heather Garnsey, Executive Officer at The Society of Australian Genealogists, on our regular meeting day. All are welcome at these events.

I'm hoping to travel out to Hawkesbury Family History Group to hear Heather speak on another topic and I intend attending some of the activities hosted by The Society of Australian Genealogists including a free webinar (for members and non-members), Ten Tips for Starting Family History, with Heather Garnsey.

I will be delivering just two talks during the month, I will be speaking on 21st Century Genealogy as part of Hornsby's Geneagala Day and I will be presenting a webinar, Facebook - a network for family historians, for The Society of Australian Genealogists.

It is disappointing to note that there are only 47 events listed for New South Wales, fewer than for  Queensland and Victoria. A notable omission is The State Library of New South Wales who do have several events listed on their website, why can't they join the party and add to the master list? If your society, group or library is celebrating NFHM it's not too late to add events to the calendar.

How will you be celebrating National Family History Month?


Shauna Hicks said...

Thanks Jill for letting us know what is happening in your area. So many great events happening around Australia

Maria said...

Great post, Jill. Thanks for your enthusiasm and inspiration - gets us all thinking about this exciting month.

Jennifer Jones said...

Looking forward to attending events at the State Library of Vic and Genealogical Society of Vic.


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