Friday, August 21, 2015

GAGs - GeniAus' Gems - 21 August 2015

On my recent holiday I had every intention of keeping up my GeniAus Gems posts duirng our time away. New and exciting parts of the world just got in my way.

I managed to read many Australian blog posts but I had to ignore those from overseas and as for commenting on posts Pfft!. It's comfortable back in my geneacave and I keep wondering if I really had that big adventure, thankfully we have several thousand happy snaps to remind us of the people and places we have encontered.

I thought that more people would be blogging about National Family History Month but reports on the event seem to thin on the ground. I am enjoying reconnecting with my genimates via their blogs.

Here are some treasures I have stored away in Evernote:

1. Tiggy has a unique way of storing ancestor stories

2. Some monkey business with high stakes from Vicki

3. Prue's tip for those with German ancestry

4. An example of splendid research from Kerryn

5. A reminder form Carmel about some useful videos that I had forgotten about.

6.The State Library of NSw shares good news about electoral roll access.

7. Parramatta Council provides some information on the place where one of my ancestors spent some time

8. Pleased to see Alona sharing more of her family treasures

9. When I was growing up I though it would be exciting to have a Halvorsen cruiser

10. We always get excited when the kids take an interest

11. It's we who should be thanking Shauna

12. And because Michelle did such a great job I must include a post from my FHG


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the GAG Jill! :) I wrote about the great monkey escape and though the name Vicki is lovely, I'm actually Jess. :)

Alex Daw said...

It's always fun looking at your gems Jill :)

Shauna Hicks said...

Thanks for the mention Jill - National Family History Month has lots of events around Australia and online. The sponsors prizes giveaway is always popular.

Merron Riddiford said...

Thanks for the mention Jill. The feeling of getting my son interested is like when catching a fish. I enjoy hooking unsuspecting adults too :-)

GeniAus said...

Oops, So sorry Jess.

GeniAus said...

It is fun to reel themall in Merron.


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