
Monday, January 11, 2021

Accentuate the Positive Geneameme 2020 - The Responses

When I posted this challenge I was wondering what sort of responses would come my way. I wasn't at all surprised with the number of positive responses that were posted on our Genimates' blogs. We are a resilient mob! 

A consistent theme in the posts was Zoom, most of the respondents wrote about the value of this tool.  

An important aspect of any activity is reflection and evaluation. The Accentuate the Positive Geneameme provides an opportunity for this vital activity. It's never too late to join this challenge, if you wish to blog about your experiences you will find the discussion points here.

I am so grateful to those who participated in this challenge, thank you all for taking the time to play along. 

Please follow the links below to read the posts from genies in Australia and overseas and, if something they have written resonates with you, tell them by leaving a comment on their post. 

Alex Daw

Anne Young

Bobbie Eades

Dara McGivern

Jennifer Jones

Jill Ball (GeniAus)

Lilian Magill

Linda Stufflebean

Lisa Gorrell

Mel Hulbert

Patsy Daly

Pauleen Cass (Cassmob)

Robbie Stockfeld

Samantha John

Shauna Hicks

Sue Donaldson (ScotsSue)

If I have inadvertently missed any responses to the geneameme please notify me and I will rectifiy. 

1 comment:

  1. This is a great list of bloggers Jill. Looking forward to reading those I missed


I'd love to hear what you have to say so I encourage you to say G'day in comments on my posts.

Sorry I have turned word verification on but I am just getting too much spam to allow comments without this feature.