
Friday, March 1, 2019

Rootstech Week 2019 - Commonwealth Dinner

I was thrilled when 31 folk from 7 (British) Commonwealth countries (including a few ringins) gathered in Salt Lake City for the Annual Commonwealth Dinner on Monday evening.

We Commonwealth chaps are a minority group at Rootstech so this gathering gives us a chance to reconnect with genimates and introduce first-timers to new friends before the madness that is Rootstech begins. From the number of conversations I witnessed and the feedback received I know that this was a very successful event. Thank you to all who joined us.

Following are some photos I snapped of those present. On reviewing the photos I realise that I missed taking pics of everyone present including yours truly. Take a look at the photos below to see how many of the genies you recognise, there are some BIG names in the group.

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