
Friday, February 16, 2018

Your Hatstand at Rootstech

I am a hatstand!

Finding an analogy to describe myself at Rootstech has been difficult...but I just had a lightbulb moment. I don't have as many hats as the Dr Seuss' character Bartholomew Cubbins but I will be wearing a few.

I am listing hats in abc order because they are all important.

Australian - I love my sunburnt country and, as an unofficial ambassador, relish being able to spread the good news about our land downunder.

Blogger - I first came to Rootstech as an Official Blogger in 2011 and I keep coming back to share the joy of Rootstech via my blog. I find lots of fodder for blog posts at Rootstech. Meeting fellow bloggers is a highlight.

Facilitator - As part of my Rootstech Ambassador role  I encourage Australians to visit Rootstech and while they are there provide them with on the ground support.

Family Historian - I arrive early in Salt Lake City so I can put on my Researcher hat and head for Level B2 at the Family History Library where I can freely use all their magnificent facilities and resources.

Friend - I came to Rootstech as a stranger in 2011. Now I go to catch up with the friends I have met and made there.

Leading some Aussies and friends on a merry dance through Salt Lake City in 2017.

GeneabloggersTRIBE AdminRootstech gives me an opportunity to meet many GeneabloggersTribe members under one roof and to share tales of Blogging.

Interviewer - Chatting with fellow genies and celebrities in the media hub allows me to record and share conversations with those unable to attend Rootstech.

Lifelong Learner  - I love to learn and avail myself of the learning opportunities at Rootstech that no other event in the world can provide.

Party Girl - This odd, eccentric old girl loves to party. I'm a people person and the formal and informal gatherings at Rootstech provide ample opportunities for this hat to get an airing.

Presenter - I am leaving this hat behind this year. The nerves associated with it do nothing to enhance my Rootstech experience.

Rootstech Ambassador - I am honoured to wear this hat which requires me to promote and discuss the event in my Reporter hat.

Shopper - I am a great fan of Macy's, Ross Stores and online shopping with The US is a shoppers' paradise where things are so cheap! A sojourn in Salt Lake City provides opportunities to support the US economy.

Society/Group Member - I share the good news about the Groups to which I belong especially The Society of Australian Genealogists and The Surname Society.

Tourist - Over the years I have visited many sites around Salt Lake City and further afield in adjacent States. While at Rootstech I try to include some touristing on my agenda.

A warm tourist hat for GeniAus in Snowbird, Utah 2017


  1. That's an impressive number of hats Jill. Have fun, and wear all of your hats with pride. :-)

  2. I think I will be wearing most of those hats. Some with a slight difference as I am English with a home in Wales. I am a member of both The Surname Society and The Guild of One Name Studies and play an active role on WikiTree. I hope to catch up with some WikiTree friends at RootsTech and fellow visitors from Commonwealth countries.
    Can't wait to catch up with everyone and finally meet some more online buddies in person.
    See you soon Jill.

  3. We are so lucky to have you. What about hostess at the Commonwealth Dinner? Name badge tags Provider? And probably lists more including friends to so many.

  4. I love the hat stand analogy you chose and with the temperature in Salt Lake on a downward swing, you might have to literally wear several of them at once to keep warm.I don't know if you remember, but about 3 or 4 years ago, we talkied in the lobby of the Hilton and walked over to the convention center together. Safe travels to Utah. I'm looking forward to saying hi.

  5. I'll look out for you Linda - and I have just packed three warm hats!


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