
Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Mind your Language at Rootstech

When I was giving my very first Rootstech presentation I was going along fine until, when I uttered a phrase that is commonly used downunder,bthe audience let out a large collective sigh.

Apparently the term I used was not one to be used in polite company in the US.

If you are an international visitor attending Rootstech and don't want to offend our American hosts you may wish to study this post from the Oxford Dictionaries blog. (WARNING: it mentions some words that should not be uttered in polite company).

Rootstech 2015


  1. I'm dying to know what the phrase was! I expect you don't want to offend your US readers by posting it here... Could you whisper it in my ear?

  2. Like Shelley, I am curious ;) And was it a sigh or a gasp from the audience? A sigh indicates acceptance but a gasp shock perhaps.

  3. I'm glad I'm not the only one wondering what you could have said that was so offensive

  4. As a "Brit", Jill, I'd just like to mention that you can say what the **** you like to me, and I won't get offended :-)


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