
Saturday, November 5, 2016

A New Genealogy Mystery

My genimate, Lorine MCGinnis Schulze from Canada, proudly announced this week on Facebook the publication of her first genealogy mystery. As I follow Lorine's blog I knew that this book was in the pipeline.

Lorine has subsequently shared the news on her Olive Tree Genealogy blog.

As I love this genre I wanted to purchase the title in ebook format but sadly it was only available in hard copy from and I was loathe to purchase that format due to postage costs to Australia. I asked Lorine if it was available as an ebook and she said that it would be coming soon. It was only a day or so when Lorine let me know that the book was now available in ebook format on Amazon and Amazon Canada. When I couldn't purchase it from I tried the Amazon Australia site and the ebook was available there.

The book is now installed on my phone but I must finish what I am currently reading before I dive into Lorine's book - something to look forward to.


  1. Let me know what you think Jill. You have also mentioned previously some genie related fiction. What were the authors of these?

  2. Steve Robinson, M J Lee and Nathan Dylan Goodwin. Ebooks available on Amazon Australia.


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