
Monday, December 28, 2015


Regular readers may have noticed that the frequency of my blog posts decreased over the past few weeks. Mr GeniAus and I took a break and travelled by sea from Dubai to Cape Town.

Our adventure

I had great intentions of blogging and researching my family history during days at sea but  found myself organising photos from the amazing ports we visited and taking part in tempting onboard activities. I am pleased that I managed to schedule a few posts before I left home so that my blog wasn't totally dormant.

We arrived home  just in time for dinner on Christmas Day. Now that we are mostly done with family festivities I am devoting my spare time in January to Rootstech preparation and my to do list. If you are expecting some sort of response from me and don't get one please send me a gentle reminder.

I have many blog posts waiting to  be read in my RSS feed and will attend to them shortly. Hopefully I will have a selection for a GeniAus Gems post on Friday or Saturday.

It's great to be back. I feel revitalised and ready to reenter the geneasphere with a vengeance.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you back in full swing, your absence was noted! :)) Hope you had a wonderful time, looking forward to reading your posts.


I'd love to hear what you have to say so I encourage you to say G'day in comments on my posts.

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