
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Blogging with Evernote at Congress

My genimate Jenna from Seeking Surnames retweeted a link to a post about Evernote by Janet Fouts this morning. 

If you don't already use Evernote then it outlines why you should. If you are already hooked on Evernote then this paragraph about using Evernote to simplify blogging at conferences will be useful for AFFHO Congress attendees and those at other geneaevents.

"Never again will I collect a bunch of paper at trade shows just to remember the product offering. A few quick photos of the booth, and not only do I have faces to relate to later, but the booth itself, logos, products and the text of the brochures ready to use in my post. all in one swoop. This is going to make blogging after conferences a breeze."

Read more: 
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution 

1 comment:

  1. Jill,

    I want to let you know that your blog post is listed in today's Fab Finds post at

    Have a great weekend!


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