
Tuesday, March 3, 2015

21 More Sleeps

Plans for AFFHO Congress 2015 are steaming ahead and excitment is growing in the online genealogy community. Please let your friends know about this premier event on the genealogy calendar that will take place in Canberra in just three weeks time.

I was pleased to hear in the last week that two of my genimates have just registered. It's not too late to join the fun. You can still register here for the whole conference or individual days.

There is still some reasonable accommodation available in Canberra. I just noticed that The Pavilion on Northbourne has, via, a $105 per night special for a 3 night stay in a room that accommodates 3. This is not the only reasonably priced deal available. Canberra is only a hop, step and a jump from Sydney where I live, there is a regular coach service that has some seats available for $24 one way.

A nice surprise I had was an invitation to take part in the Congress Program. I have accepted an invitation to moderate a Panel Session on the last day of Congress. I will be very nervous but couldn't pass up this honour to lead a discussion with a international panel of  experts.

I am thrilled to say that after my post about Blogger Beads I have been contacted by 21 geneabloggers who want to wear beads. I hope to hear from more geneabloggers and am wondering if any bloggers from Western Australia or Tasmania will be journeying to Canberra.

I would also love to connect with readers of this blog, members of the Genealogists for Families Group, people I have met in Hangouts on Air, and members of the various Societies to which I belong:

Hawkesbury Family History Group, Hornsby Shire Family History Group, The Guild of One Name Studies, The Society for One-Place Studies, The Society of Australian Genealogists, The Society of Genealogists and The Surname Society.

Of course it would be fantastic if I could find some cousins at Congress so I must fill out the Research Interests Register. I have signed up for this and will get cracking once my membership is approved.

This is your one chance in three years to attend a national conference in Australia - it would be a shame to miss out.

1 comment:

  1. Another round of fun with genimates :) So pleased you have been give, and accepted, that moderator role Jill as I know you'll do it well.


I'd love to hear what you have to say so I encourage you to say G'day in comments on my posts.

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