
Saturday, February 21, 2015

Rootstech 2015 - Interview with AFFHO presenter Josh Taylor

FGS President, D Joshua Taylor, is a very busy man so I was delighted when he accepted an invitation to be interviewed by Pauleen Cass and me during the recent Rootstech/FGS conferences in Salt Lake City.

Josh, a very popular and busy genealogist in the United States who combines several roles with FGS, FindMyPast and the Genealogy Roadshow, will be travelling downunder for the AFFHO Congress in Canberra in 2015. Having heard Josh speak on his last Australian tour and at Rootstech I am keen to hear more from him at Congress.

See what Josh had to share with Pauleen and me:


  1. It was a fantastic opportunity to meet and chat with Josh. thanks for inviting me to join in Jill.

  2. Looking forward to hearing his talk at Congress. Thanks for interviewing him.


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