
Friday, October 3, 2014

Savvy Sharing

I know I've posted previously on netiquette but I can't seem to find that post (I need better tags!) anyway it's about time for another rant to share some more thoughts. I hadn't planned this spontaneous post, it was something I just had to get off my chest and a resource I found gave me a shove.

Recently two newish Tweeps representing genealogy organisations I am familiar with have starting tweeting in earnest. I have been concerned that these newbies are not using Twitter effectively to promote their brands or messages.

It appears that they log onto Twitter at a particular time, send out a barrage of tweets and then go away for a few days. What is also unfortunate is that they also retweet indiscriminately posting items that are not particularly relevant to their organisations' missions or aims. Retweeting alone is not satisfactory they must also post original material.

While it is fantastic to see people embracing social media there is a danger that if they donn't think about why, when and what they are tweeting their presence will be ineffective or even annoying.

As I was reading through my RSS feeds this morning I found this very useful infographic originally posted  at and shared today by Stephen Abram.

Although it is directed at business the tips are also pertinent to organisations and individuals. The very first point for Facebook "It's okay to update several times a day but space out your posts every few hours" is relevant to Twitter and the new tweeps I mentioned above. 

For a copy of the infographic that you can actually read go here

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