
Friday, August 15, 2014

Have you got a word for me?

If you have a spare minute I'd love you to pop over and visit my latest creation on Wordpress. Yes, I have decided that it's time to become competent on that platform too.

I am hoping that my geneablogging friends and genimates will contribute words, pictures and stories to the GeneaDictionary, a blog that will allow us to discuss the history and origins of the original and funky words we have coined while dealing with our geneaffliction on and offline.


  1. Jill, I tried to comment on the actual website but it wouldn't let me even though I was logged into Wordpress. Possibly because I haven't commented before. On my blog I have turned on the feature in Discussion to manually approve comments. More work for you, but it will help with those spammers. Although Wordpress seems harder to use, the full version has some great plugins. I only use the free version but it still has Akismet which seems to trap a lot of spam. I didn't pay for it and don't remember turning it on. Keep going, the more you use wordpress the easier it gets.

  2. I love this idea! I included it in today's Monday's Muse post! :)


I'd love to hear what you have to say so I encourage you to say G'day in comments on my posts.

Sorry I have turned word verification on but I am just getting too much spam to allow comments without this feature.