
Thursday, August 7, 2014

Hanging Out in National Family History Month

The first #NFHM2014 event I attended was an online one hosted by myself. It was wonderful to have four Australian and two British family historians join me for a Google Hangout on Air.

As I am presently semi-housebound I realised what a boon online events are for those who are isolated by distance, disability or for some other reason. My stay at home is only temporary as I should be able to drive about next week (I hope) but many others around Australia don't have that luxury.

Here is what newbie panelist Travelgenee had to say about the hangout:

I won't prattle on about the event instead I will just post the video for you to view.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Jill, I'm settling down with a cuppa to watch now.


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