
Saturday, February 8, 2014

#UTPCruise - Day 4

Laziness has taken over again and, instead of typing a report on Day 4, I have recorded a Google Hangout on Air.

Tessa Keough on Google+ this morning challenged me to talk about the genea business cards I have collected so far on the cruise so I took up her challenge and discussed them in the video I recorded.

Already 44 people have watched the first Hangout I posted from the cruise so I guess that it is a medium that people appreciate. This afternoon I am hosting a Hangout on Air for Unlock the Past in which I hope to interview some cruisers and presenters whom I have met on board. Shortly I am going exploring around the ship to find a suitable location as the internet connection in the Conference Center is not strong enough to support a Hangout. I had thought of going out on deck somewhere but the wind is whistling and making a terrible racket so indoors will be the best bet.

Apologies that at about the 12 minute mark the following video got patchy (blame Telstra) but PLEASE persevere as the quality improves after a few seconds.

1 comment:

  1. All this is doing is making me wish I was there to join in what is going to be a fantastic week. Thanks for sharing.


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