
Thursday, January 16, 2014

It's a bit of a lottery

Each month I host a Technology Special Interest Group at a local society. Sometimes I have a set agenda and sometimes it is a bit of a free for all.

At the December meeting I had planned to teach people how to set up a free email account but a fellow member had encouraged a dozen members who were interested in the Flip-Pal Mobile Scanner to come along. I ditched my plan and spent an hour demonstrating and passing a Flip-Pal around. The fellow member then offered to put in a bulk order for Flip-Pals to Gould Genealogy (Cheaper postage if you buy in bulk). I volunteered that I would show them how to use their new scanners once they arrived and didn't think any more about it.

I didn't have a formal agenda for today's meeting I just said on a Society blog post entitled Did you get a new gadget for Christmas? "All members are invited to join us. Please be ready to share news of any new resources you have found or gadgets you have acquired."

Flip-Pal Bag
When I arrived there were three new faces and a couple I already knew. They all had something in common - they were clutching Flip-Pal bags in mint condition but none as pretty as my pink one. They had come along to learn how to use their new toys. (I don't know how many of our members actually bought Flip-Pals on that order - perhaps Alona from Gould could tell me).

So the agenda for our meeting was set. It was fantastic because the attendees really wanted to learn, it was a small group so I could give individual attention and it was on a topic that I like and know a bit about.

As the day was hot and I had to leave Mr GeniAus in charge of the three grandchildren we are minding I wasn't too enthusiastic about attending the meeting today. But after that successful, impromptu workshop I am feeling quite in the pink.


  1. I'm with Maureen, I like my purple one. Flip Pal and Gould Genealogy are fortunate to have such a dedicated ambassador.


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