
Monday, December 16, 2013

High Societies

In the recent GeniAUS Hangout on Air we shared details and showed screenshots of our genealogy groups' activities. We gave precedence to Aussie societies but also mentioned those overseas or international organisations that we have joined.

Following is the list of Societies mentioned by the on air panelists and those who were following the event on Youtube.

Anne Young (off air) The Genealogical Society of Victoria which has a terrific online index for members, the Genealogical Index of Names, a great magazine, a library in the centre of Melbourne on Collins Street, and a very friendly research service for members who don't live in Melbourne.

The Avoca and District Historical society which has very extensive card indexes of people who lived in the district compiled from all sorts of records, schools, vaccinations, the undertaker who was also a furniture maker, newspapers, letter collections. My husband's family came from the area and I found the group very helpful for researching his family.

The Ballarat and District Genealogical society which actively researches locally. It's library is combined with the local library which is terrific as it means extended visiting hours as well as the co-location of two great resources.

When I was in Canberra I belonged to HAGSOC. I really appreciated their great library, monthly talks, and when I was beginning genealogy their excellent beginners course. 

Chris Wright  
Central Queensland Family History Association
Bundaberg Genealogical Society Inc.
The Queensland Family History Society

Brenda Wheeler 
Hervey Bay Family History Association
National Genealogical Society
National Institute for Genealogical Studies

Michelle Watson  
Stockton Historical Society

Maureen Trotter (off Air)
Port Phillip Pioneers - a group for people whose ancestors arrived before Victoria became a separate state

VicGum - lots of help with software and computer problems via the Gumnet mailing list, lots of workshops and a great newsletter

Emerald U3A Genealogy group - a small self-help group

Cornish Association of Victoria - very welcoming to new members, good library resources. I have only just joined this group.

Les Tobin 
Society of Australian Genealogists

Lilian Magill
New Banksown Family History Group
John Nichols Family Society
Familysearch Mortdale Family History Centre

Marg Doherty
Genealogical Society of Queensland

Pauleen Cass  
Toowoomba & Darling Downs Family History Society
Genealogical Society of the Northern Territory
Sunshine Coast Genealogical Society genealogysunshinecoastinc

Australian Institute of Genealogical Studies
The Family HIstory Association of North Queensland

Jill Ball  
Hawkesbury Family History Group
Ku-ring-gai Historical Society
Society of Genealogists

Thank you once again to the generous genies who joined in with our event.

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